Santa – I have been a naughty little girl

Hi everyone

Thankfully I am not talking about me on this occasion.

Whilst I was snuggling Snuggles the other day, her chomping was getting louder. I thought she still had bits of food in her mouth but no, it was a section of my hair. Bless her. She is so naughty but oh so nice.

If you live nearby and want a free Snuggles Special haircut, please let me know.

Write soon

It’s Christmas time – Lights and no wine

Hi everyone

The Christmas lights were switched on in Exeter around 6.30pm.


I love Christmas because of:

The magic.

The creativity of decorating the Christmas tree. Of making decorations and Christmas cards and of writing your own personalised poetical verses in cards.

The lights, Christmas tree, tinsel and other decorations. I decorate every room in my flat.

Spending more time with my parents, Grandma and guineapigs.

Eating lots of my favourite foods including sugar free chocolate and ice-cream.

Santa Parents giving me pressies. I love buying lots of presents for my family and I love receiving them too.

Not drinking alcohol. I enjoy drinking fresh juice and Appletiser instead.

Reaching another Christmas and feeling happy to be alive.

Enjoy every bit of Christmas.

Write soon

A great Advent in my life

Hi everyone

Apologies for the pun on the word event but I just had to share my excitement with you.

For the first time since I was 19 years of age, I have an advent calendar and I am over the moon.

I have multiple allergies, including sugar and wheat.

I was on my way to get my guineapigs some hay and woodshavings, when I noticed a billboard poster outside the local health shop. It read that they had Sugar, wheat and gluten free advent calendars. I went into the shop, read the list of ingredients and was thrilled that it was a Plamil chocolate calendar. I have eaten Plamil sugar free chocolate before and it’s delicious.
I bought it and have been floating on air ever since.

An early Happy Christmas to you.

Thanks for all of your well wishes for Daisy, thankfully she is finally on the mend.

Write soon

3 year Blogging Anniversary of

Hi everyone

Fantastic news. I got Daisy’s test results yesterday, her lumps were fatty tissues, not cancer. I am over the moon with joy.

Second piece of good news, it’s my 3 year blogging anniversary today.

3 Year Blogging Anniversary of

Write soon



Launch of

Hi everyone

Today is a good day.

Cinnamon was given the all clear for his cheek wound yesterday afternoon. It is no longer infected and almost healed.

It’s my two year anniversary of being free from a not very nice person to me.

It is also the launch of

Here is a copy of my About Sandra Bellamy/Home page:

Welcome to the website of Sandra Bellamy.

Sandra Bellamy, Writer, Owner and Founder of and

A Writer and Redundancy Breakthrough and Employment Success Specialist by night, a part-time Tutor for the Recovery Learning Community, a full-time Fitted Bedroom Specialist in John Lewis by day and a volunteer Health Buddy. Sandra Bellamy has a range of skills, experience, knowledge and expertise that she loves sharing with others to advance their own career and their own learning.

Sandra’s life changing moment came when she was made redundant for the second time in 2009.

“When I was made redundant for the second time in my career, it changed my life. At first I felt my gut was wrenched from me, worried about my future, concerned about finances, bewildered and lost, I just didn’t know what I was going to do.

A couple of weeks later I began to feel relieved that it was over.  I thought about the negative aspects of the job I had just left and focused on what I could change about my life and my future career to make me happy. Rather than just being in a job that I was good at, I began to see and understand what job I was meant to be doing. I assessed –

What I was passionate about?

What made me happy?

What did I ultimately want to do with my life?

I came up with two answers:

  1. To be a writer
  2. To help people

I now do both of these.

I  have had:

I have written the course content for ‘Blogging as an aid to recovery – How to start a blog’ that I am teaching for the Recovery Learning Community.

My blog about writing is at I write all of the content for and and I have my own author website at that is currently under construction and I am working on my first two e-Books.

I help people who are redundant to get back into work via my two websites and These are free to use resources, that have access to lots of job sites, recruitment sites and courses sites from within the one site. They have a wealth of other useful information, help and advice. Including about job interviews, time management and health and wellbeing. beatredundancyblues likes to take a holistic approach to redundancy and getting back into work.

Redundancy changed my whole outlook on life and now I am a much happier and more fulfilled person, who believes in myself and what I was born to do.  I do not profess to be the best, just to enjoy what I do and to help others  as best as I can.”

I am still waiting on the test results from Daisy’s operation. She has another check-up tomorrow morning because she had some severe swelling when she was checked by the vet yesterday.

I hope you enjoy your fireworks evening and it explodes with loads of good things for you.

Write as soon as I am able to,





Have a Snuggle with Snow

Hi everyone

Just a quick post to give you an update.

Unfortunately life is still very stressful for me at the moment and I am unable to blog as much as I would like to.

I went back to work on Monday this week. Cinnamon’s wound that was given the all clear a few days before, had become infected. I had to get anti-biotics from the vets after work and a solution to flush his cheek each day. I am still doing this.

Daisy had a big operation yesterday and had 3 or 4 lumps removed from her tummy and an implant put in. The lumps have been sent to the lab for testing. The problem is, she keeps trying to bite the stitches in her tummy and I have been on piggie watch since 8.30am this morning. I had to take her to the vets this afternoon, to be checked over and get her an anti-inflamatory medication. In the hope that she will stop biting herself. She is refusing to take it and so I have had to hold her mouth steady to ensure she takes it. I hate doing this but if she bites her stitches off, she will bleed. They made her a collar from a larger one but she thrashed her way out of it.

Good news – Snow and Snuggles are finally good together. Have a Snuggle on me.







Write as soon as I can.


It all happened at once

Hi everyone

Just to let you know that I have been a bit quiet with blogging for a while because a lot has happened at once. (Well over a few days, one after each other.)

I am currently signed off work until the end of the week with a chest infection. I am on 1000mgs of antibiotics a day and they make me drowsy, dopey, feel sick, feel dizzy and give me stomach pains. I have got some anti-sickness tablets that are helping a bit.

Last week, on Wed 16th of October, I spoke to my mum on the phone and she was clearly not with it and very ill. She saw a doctor and he gave her antibiotics and anti-sickness tablets but told her not to take the antibiotics until she was eating again but she was too sick to eat much at all.

On Thursday 17th of October, I went to a meeting with my Grandma’s care home Manager about the poor care that she has been receiving. My dad had to be there too for legal reasons. His idea of what needs to be done to improve the care in the home and mine are sometimes not the same so the meeting was a bit stressful. I was glad that I stuck up for my Grandma’s rights. We have a special bond and if I didn’t try to improve the quality of her life whilst she is still alive, then I would never forgive myself.

Work in my day job was very stressful last week because there were two different customer issues that needed to be resolved. One of these issues went on for 4 days and the other became bigger. I am pleased to say that none of these issues were through any fault of mine. I was trying to get them resolved for the customer but both were beyond my control for resolution. I had to wait for the relevant managers to taken action and keep the customers happy in the meantime. It was hard work.

After work on Friday 18th October, I spoke to my mum on the phone. My mum had seen a doctor at home and had been told to go immediately to Torbay hospital in Torquay. I arranged to stay at my friend’s house in Torquay that night and by the time I got to the hospital it was almost midnight. I took the latest train as I had to clean, feed and settle my guineapigs for the night. I had never left them on their own overnight before.

My mum has a rare eye condition that affects her kidneys and at that point they thought it was a kidney infection.

My mum was on a drip and exhausted, I stayed briefly to check she was okay and I told her that I loved her. The receptionist said the consultant would be coming to see her the next morning some time between 8am and 10am.

I stayed over my friend’s house and had about 3 and a half hours sleep.

I headed back to the hospital on Saturday 19th of October to see what the consultant had to say. He said she had pneumonia. Me and my mum were a bit shocked.

I had taken the day off work to spend it with my mum and later she told me to see a Devon Doctor on call whilst at the hospital about my chest infection. It was a good sign that my mum was telling me what I should do. He tested my chest, diagnosed me with a chest infection and prescribed me 1000mgs a day of Clarithromycin antibiotics. Which is the maximum dose for severe infections. I had these antibiotics earlier this year for a severe chest infection but the 500mgs a day didn’t work and only double that dose would work. The side-effects are too bad to work with.

When I got home on Saturday night after seeing my mum at the hospital all day, the right side of Cinnamon’s face was swollen up like a tennis ball. I phoned the emergency vets and took him straight to the vets in a taxi. The vet said he had an abscess and they could operate and drain it or I could wait until Monday to see my own vet. After Peaches’s sudden death, there was no way I was going to risk it and so he had surgery that night. The vet phoned me to say he had come through the anaethetic okay and to collect him tomorrow.

I ate a late meal then checked Daisy, just to make sure she was okay. I found two lumps on her stomach. I phoned the emergency vets and they said if she is eating and drinking then not to worry at the moment and to see my vet on Monday.

The next morning, Sunday 20th October, I called into work sick with my chest infection. I found a third lump on Daisy’s tummy and she hadn’t eaten or drunk hardly anything all night. I phoned the emergency vets and took her in. He couldn’t find any mites and he said he believes that they are fatty tissues and nothing to worry about it but to take her to see my own vet when I take Cinnamon at the end of the week for his check-up. They gave Cinnamon back to me to take home with Daisy. They asked me to syringe feed Cinnamon for the next 24hrs until he is eating all of his own foods again. He ate it from the syringe for them, but not for me. He hated it. Luckily he was eating his own foods almost straight away so I didn’t have to syringe feed him as often as every 2 hours. Daisy started eating too. The vet had concluded that Daisy must have been off her food and drink because she was pining for Cinnamon.

To cut an even longer story short. My mum is out of the hospital but still not well and my dad is cooking and cleaning for her. She had to come off one lot of tablets because they were making her have severe hallucinations and she phoned me up terrified. Without going into all of the details, she was seeing a younger version of me whilst I was talking to her on the phone. There was worse but I will leave it at that. The only trouble is, those tablets were the ones that I have to take for my chest infection. Although they gave her a higher than normal dose of 1500mgs. Without leaving an 8 hour gap in between tablets. My mum is worried about me still taking them.

I am drowsy from those antibiotics that I am taking. I finish taking them on Saturday night. The anti-sickness tablets that I am taking are for dizziness too. These also make me drowsy. Apologies if there are any mistakes in this post because I am really not with it.

Cinnamon, Daisy and Snuggles are all off to the vets tomorrow at 4.15pm to be checked over. Snuggles has been doing some face twitching and going on her side a little. It could be her heart and lung condition.

If I am well enough, I have to go to the hospital for a chest x-ray on Friday morning. There is no appointment, I have to go to the x-ray department with my doctor’s authorisation form, between 8am and 4pm and wait.

Apologies for the longer than usual post but I wanted you to know why I am not able to blog as much at the moment or interact as much on social media.

To look at the positive, I am blessed that my chest infection was diagnosed on the same day as Cinnamon had to have surgery because I need to be at home to look after him and give him his antibiotics.

Thanks for sticking with me. I am blessed to have such supportive and loyal blogger friends.

Write as soon as I am able to.


Happy Birthday Snuggles – 2 Today

Hi everyone

It’s Snuggles’s birthday today and she is 2 years old.

It was also the 1st birthday of John Lewis Exeter today. For a day job, I work as the Fitted Bedroom Specialist and the store was heaving today because of the special offers and events going on.

I got Snuggles a card and alfalfa ring that she enjoyed tucking into.
Happy Birthday Snuggles. Mummy loves you very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

There was a shepherd’s delight for this special occasion.

How do you celebrate your pet’s birthday?

Write soon

quirkybooks has over 200 Followers – Thank you

Hi Everyone

I am pleased to announce that this quirkybooks blog has 201 followers.


Thanks to each and every one of you for your loyalty, support and contribution to this blog. It feels great to get to know you and your quirks.

Write soon


♥ Bloggers and Awards ♥

Hi everyone

I met a fellow blogger recently, Ute, from and she has done a post including a bit about our meet-up.

Ute is a wonderful woman with a great zest for life . She is bubbly too and very fun to be with.

Thanks Ute.

Write soon,


Ute smile

How wonderful

I met another blogger last week. ♥

It is Sandra from Quirkybooks.


Sorry the picture is rather dark, but it was at night in front of a theatre in London.

It was lovely to meet Sandra, we had a great chat over a meal and got to know each other. She is such a bubbly, enthusiastic, busy lady and “quirky” in a “surprising” way as her blog name says. She is doing some fantastic work, so do checkout her blog.


And now we have a drum roll for more awards!

A beautiful Shine on Award from Lyn

I thank Lyn so much for nominating me and her lovely and kind words about me and my blog.

Here are the rules of the award:

1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.

3. Share at least…

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