
I’m thrilled to have received many lovely comments from fellow bloggers and I have created this page to share some of those with you. I want to thank you all for your kind words about me and my blog.

Diedré M. Blake MARCH 17, 2014 AT 7:44 AM Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment. You always give me the encouragement I need to keep writing–did you know that? Read her comment at: http://diedreblake.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/a-new-poem-the-streets-of-trastevere-are-haunted/

Madeline Scribes | March 2, 2014 at 1:07 PM http://madelinescribes.wordpress.com/2014/03/01/winning-the-shauny-award/  I nominated you for a Shauny Award because I believe you always write with your authentic voice. Thank you for writing.

Dinesh Kumar Radhakrishnan on August 11, 2013 at 11:19 said: “Thank you and its nice to know precisely about your blogs. It is a great thing to share knowledge with others. Especially writers, in fact novice writers like me can learn from you a lot.” propelsteps.wordpress.com/2013/08/11/thanks-meet-milestone-300

hilalachmar.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/81-hilal-achmar-says-limited-edition “You are a limited edition. I read your post, and feel that you are a limited edition thinker. I think, anyone associated with you, and read your posts, will get a lot of benefits …. You useful to many people ….. :)

“I say, that you are limited edition, because: you are happy.
1. You can see the world and people from many viewpoints. What does that mean? You meditate all your life! Here’s what was not written by your friend ….. :)
2. What is the purpose of meditation? Variations fo viewpoint of the world and its contents, including humans, that many other dimension that can be achieved by your senses. True, beautiful rainforest pleasing to the eye, a beautiful shopping center, but in areas with trees that dwarf, the gold deposits are located. You have achieved the vision, the dimensions of which not everyone can see it …… :)
3. Looking at a variety of dimensions, such as seeing a regular movie, compared to a 3D movie. You have 3D glasses to see the world and people…… the glasses is ‘real truth’ template is in your heart ….. This will ensure that you will continue to be happy in your life ……. Pleased to meet you ….. :)

hilalachmar.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/79-this-makes-our-life-so-beautiful “Right, your perspective is right …. the differences is the diversity ….. I am sure you really understand, that the differences led to disputes, while diversity raises spiritual wealth. Because you often use a variety of perspectives, I love your blog …. :)” View both of the above comments on his Hilal Achmar’s blog:

2 thoughts on “Testimonials

  1. Hi Sandra,

    My landing on your blog was fortunate and initially I just had run through a few pages and decided it’s a worthy blog to follow with lot of insights that I can take for improving my writing.

    Then after a few interactions via comments, I got to know more about you as a good human being as well, while reading about your act of kindness to save a person.I felt good to hear that you got the recognition as well for being a Good citizen. In every conversation via comments I’ve found a polite personality in you. It is so rare to find good persons nowadays, You are one among a few I am blessed to find, thousands of miles far from my place India.

    May God shower his blessings for you and my best wishes for your efforts in whatever you wish to achieve. I Pray for you.

    Peace and Love


    1. Bless you Dinesh

      Your kind comments have touched my heart and made me smile. I am thankful that you have joined my WordPress family both as a writer and as a lovely human being. I feel warmed by your appreciation of my achievements and that you can see from just reading my comments, that I like to be polite to others. I also enjoy talking to people from all cultures and backgrounds. India is lucky to have you and I am happy to have you follow my blog and to chat with you.

      Thanks for your support



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