Attention! Course Creators, Coaches, Trainers, Writers, Content Creators! Don’t Miss This Amazing Opportunity That Will Save You Hundreds Or Thousands Of Dollars And Time!

Attention! Course Creators, Coaches, Trainers, Writers, Content Creators!

Don’t Miss This Amazing Low Cost Opportunity!

Save Yourself Hundreds Or Thousands Of Dollars, And Hours Of Wasted Time!

UPDATE!!!!!! Please note, that while I still love the Invanto platform and still have courses and other digital products on there, it’s with a heavy heart that as of 13/1/2021, I am currently NOT recommending Invanto at the moment and for the foreseeable future, until, and if, Invanto survive the current economic climate that has unfortunately lead their business decline. It’s no longer a stable platform to use for newbies because their current outlook is not good. I believe in being transparent with you. I created a sales funnel using Invanto and sadly this didn’t work for technical reasons that I can’t fix myself so I missed out on launching it for Black Friday and it currently looks like this is not an issue that is going to be fixed by the Invanto team. I found out a few days ago, that other member of the platform had the same problem not long ago and they have already moved over to another platform. I have sent emails and messages to no avail. It’s a shame, because this platform it very easy for me to use and I like the platform itself, but obviously you can’t run a business like this. So it means copying my products and uploading them to another platform which takes a ton of time. I already copied 3 courses to another platform and worked hard on that but still have some more things to finish in regard to that, finishing the profile and publishing etc. Students can still access the courses they paid for on Invanto.

Right now, I am focusing on my passion and life purpose, which is writing books that change lives. This is the most consistent way I have found to make money online, and impact the world significantly. And I will continue to do so, one book at a time. So my current book I am aiming to get finished and ready for Kindle by the end of this month, is Asexual Guide To Sex. I have been working on this book since June 2019 – here is a sneaky peek of what’s to come…

In this book… revealed… THE NAKED TRUTH ABOUT SEX, The good, the bad, and the fugly (fuck ugly) truth about sex, as you have NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE, as 18 asexuals explain in great detail what happened when they first lost their virginity and what it really feels like to have sex if you are asexual.

Uncensored. Raw. Real. Authentic. What they don’t want you to know… coming soon to an Amazon store near you!

Here is my first book for asexuals, which I published in 2017,

Even if you aren’t asexual, believe me, this new book I am finishing – will blow your mind!!! If you think you know everything there is to know about sex? Think again… watch this blog for further updates! And don’t forget to start saving your pennies, because you will want this book!

Invanto - host course and membership sites

Unlock the deal

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Unlock the deal

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Pricing starts from $20 a month.

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Finally, now you can easily host unlimited online schools, courses, membership sites, and your own deals sites, for a low cost monthly fee!

Don’t Miss Out On This Low Cost Deal Of A Lifetime And A Lifeline.

Saved Hundreds Or Even Thousands Of Dollars By Ordering Now!

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Do you struggle to know where to host your courses and membership sites, for a fraction of the cost that other’s are shouting about?

Perhaps you are just starting out and secretly not in profit yet, and you can’t afford monthly fees as you build your empire?

Or maybe you are money savvy and have a rich mindset, where you realise the poor mindset people are those going around in flash cars with gold jewellery, instead of putting money into assets that will get them a good return. This is how the rich get rich, and the poor, get poorer!

You’re smart. You know investing in the right software and hosting, can make and save you hundreds or thousands of dollars, while you sleep. Whereas those $400 trainers are still wrapped up in your friend’s wardrobe, and saved for that special occasion. 

But… investing in software or hosting for your online courses or membership sites, is no easy task!

I have been stung before and I get it! Proceeding with caution has become ingrained into me through these bad experiences.

But as you and I both know, festering on past mistakes, doesn’t solve the problem. You still need somewhere to host your courses and memberships sites, and the sooner you get the right software and hosting, the sooner those mistakes become your greatest gains, as you get a better deal by going with a more reputable company. Saving yourself hundreds or thousands of hours and dollars, trying to go it alone.

We both know what a headache trying to go it alone, is:

  • You have to pay for website hosting
  • Buy a domain name/s
  • Buy WordPress themes that break, or never work in the first place
  • Use plugins that conflict with others and result in the white screen of death
  • Integrate a shopping cart and take payments
  • You have to pay an email company just to send out a thank you email
  • Pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to hire a web developer
  • Hire someone who specialises in maintaining your e-commerce store – WooCommerce!
  • You website gets constantly hacked and you have to pay at least $300 per hack to fix it!
  • Or you waste hundreds and thousands of hours of your precious time, learning these skills for yourself
  • You lose opportunities as a result
  • You lose money
  • You feel stressed

Does this sound familiar? You want to host your courses, but you find yourself tearing your hair out with all the ‘helpful advice’ out there, claiming to be the best hosting company there is.

You’ve done your research. You’ve tried to host courses directly on WordPress, probably using a theme with a plugin like LearnPress, only to realise the theme usually breaks, the plugin conflicts with others, resulting in the dreaded white screen of death, and your WordPress site keeps getting hacked. To be honest, you don’t have any confidence in what you are using to host your courses or membership sites, and that’s why you’re not promoting them like you know you should be…

You have done your research: Thinkific. Teachable. ClickFunnels. But they are either super expensive, or with restrictions that only the much higher priced monthly plans, can resolve. They take fees out of your hard earned cash. They have limits on the number of users you can have before you have to pay more. Or they just don’t feel right.

And often, you have to host your courses on one platform, and your membership sites on another, which gets even more costly.

Or, you can only have one school, with multiple courses, per paid plan, instead of multiple schools, with multiple courses.

Sooner or later, you realise that entrepreneur dream and freedom lifestyle, is just that, a dream! It’s going to cost you more in time and money, than you get in return. So you give up!

But… There’s A Cost To Giving Up!

You come to the end of your life, and you look back at your life, full of regrets… And what’s worse, is your best other best friend is now a multi-millionaire and you feel so sad, that’s not you! If you even made a fraction of that you would have been happy! But alas… it’s too late.

And you remember that girl who wrote a blog post, and gave you access to your future wealth lifeline that you never took…

This is what I don’t want for you!

It Was The Best Decision I Ever Made!

In October 2017, I was made redundant (laid-off you call it in the USA), from my full-time ‘day job’ after 5 years. I was working in a large retail store and was the one and only fitted bedroom specialist there. I wanted to leave. But not that soon. As I wasn’t in profit with my side businesses. In fact, far from it.

Since 2012, I had used my employed money, to invest hundreds and thousands of pounds in personal and professional development of me! I knew the smart thing was always to invest in yourself first. So you up your worth! Then you have more value to offer others. And consequently can charge more money for others to access your knowledge and skills. You are your best asset.

So I was given redundancy pay! As I was paid 5 years redundancy. It was a good payout in one lump sum, but I still had to go on benefits to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly long-term, and that money ran out fast!

My parents were horrified. Not because of my redundancy… well, they were surprised by that. But not so much, since I had predicted it the year before it happened! But… because I spent at least a third of my money on my businesses, that I will remind you, were not in profit! They honestly thought I had lost the plot… I bought lots of email marketing and chat bubble lifetime deals, with addons. I bought 15 licenses of Thrive Architect (with an extra lifetime deal at the time) – which I spent 3 years researching for use as an alternative funnel builder, and that sadly doesn’t work to this day! Yes, you heard right, it doesn’t work! And support didn’t sort it out for me within the first year. After that you lose support and have to pay for it! But paying for support you didn’t get in the first place, leaves a bad taste in my mouth! So I moved on. If I ever get it to work, I will let you know what I think! But right now, my opinion is nope! Don’t bother!

But… in November 2017, I bought access to Invanto. Which hosts both online courses and memberships sites, and even more now… It was the best decision I ever made!

Now I can:

  • Easily build online schools at the click of a button
  • Easily build membership sites at the click of button
  • Build sales funnels with upsells and downsells, and bonuses
  • Build my own deals sites
  • Sell a membership to access my whole school or just a proportion of it
  • Drip-feed content
  • Offer coupons
  • Upload and host videos FREE of charge
  • Have FREE SSL certificates
  • Offer my customers complete peace of mind with hosting on secure Amazon servers
  • Do away completely with a website and domain, at any time, if I want…
  • And so much more

No more:

  • Wasting hundreds of pounds on software that doesn’t work
  • Wasting hundreds of hours trying to learn everything myself
  • Having to hire an expensive designer – I tried to go it alone…
  • Worrying about being hacked (I was hacked a lot)
  • Having to piece things together from various sources and ending up with nothing to show for it
  • Buying themes that never work or break my site
  • Plugins that slowed my site down so it was crawling like a snail
  • Worrying about shopping cart management
  • Worry about taking payments in an insecure environment
  • Having to pay money per month for course or membership hosting

I felt so relieved…

Invanto has completely change my life. Because now I can focus on creating great content and products, without worrying about the techy side of things.

Invanto is an all-in-one platform, that has a suite of apps designed to meet all of your course and membership hosting needs and has evolved to be a market leader, and so has the owner, who I am friends with!

Do you want a tasty no brainer deal?

If yes, grab this low cost monthly deal right now. (I have been told when they do a rebrand, the price will go up to double.)

Order this jaw-dropping no-brainer monthly deal right now!

Before you regret it and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars hosting elsewhere, and rack up a huge bill on your credit card!

Transform your life at the click of a button! You won’t regret it and will be thanking me for this later. Grab the monthly deal now!

This is going to save you hundreds, and thousands of pounds and hours, trying to piece it all together yourself.

Click the order button now!

They have a 30 day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Order now!

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Just in case you want proof that I use Invanto, here is my dashboard inside it!

Order this special lifetime deal now!

P.S. The order link is an affiliate link, and so if you do purchase through it, it won’t cost you any more, but I may earn some pennies as result, and it would really help me out! A girl has to keep investing in herself, so I can bringing you more awesome draw-dropping deals, and insightful information, taking the headache out of soloprenership and entrepreneurship, and taking you and your business to the next level!

Write soon

Sandra xx

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