How Entrepreneurship Took Me From Self-loathing To Self-loving – Sandra Bellamy Empowerography Interview

So happy to be featured on Empowerography Podcast telling my personal story of how I went from self-loathing to self-loving through entrepreneurship and what inspires me most about the work I do.

If you’ve ever lacked  purpose, felt like you don’t belong, or you don’t like yourself or your life – I want you to know I’ve been in that position myself for many, many years, since childhood, and it wasn’t until 2012… that everything changed for me and I went from self-loathing to self-loving.

See what I mean by watching this video below – or clicking through this link

After watching the video, you may have noticed that in order to self-love, you need to:

  • Take notice of all the special qualities you have.
  • How much life experience you have.
  • How much knowledge you have gained, through work and your life.
  • How many skills you have gained, through work and your life.
  • All of which you can use to help others.
  • Which means you are useful, not useless.
  • You are worthy of being in life.
  • You matter.

So think about all of these.

Helping others gives you purpose, meaning, and helps you to heal also. Even if that’s doing some sort of volunteer work – online or offline.

Helping yourself, by seeing your own value and worth, even when you’re not helping others, is important to your own health and wellbeing. 

The more you see yourself as you truly are, not what love ones, family, so called friends and society have conditioned you to believe and think you are, the more you can be your true authentic self and love yourself. You can’t love yourself if others have manipulated and brainwashed you into believing you are this, that, and the other… and you can never change and there is something inherently wrong with you – what’s wrong with you, is the lies of unworthiness other people have fed you, and you believe, if you lack self-love. I hope you can begin to see, if you lack self-love, that you are worth loving and being in life.

Which leads me on to my next point and video clip, just because someone gives you feedback, doesn’t mean you have to take it onboard and accept it, it’s more important for you to be your authentic self, especially in business as that’s when you be become the brand and you’re no longer a commodity. Watch it here or click play on the video below.

There will be people who don’t understand you, who don’t agree with what you do, and will try to give you advice on how to do something in the way they would do it, but they’re not you, and if your audience has known you for a long time, they will know if you are faking things, if you’re not being your true authentic self, and they will feel it. People pleasing someone else to keep the peace when you’re own self-worth, self-esteem and self-brand is at stake, is not a wise move. It take guts to stick up to these people if they are directly in your life on a regular basis, but you have a duty of care to yourself, to do the right thing by you as well as your audience and brand. Never give up being you, because of the tight pigeon hole, someone else wants to put you in, as that suppresses and represses, who you truly are.

I also got asked during this in-depth, empowering interview, what lights me up and inspires me most about the work I do, to which I replied this… watch the video below to find out, or by clicking this link

When you’re doing work you love and your mission (your why) is so BIG, you will continue to stay motivated to achieve your goals. So always go after what you love, not what other people love and want you to love. Always stay true to you.

Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts here

Or Spotify here

Let me know what you think 🤔

Follow Brad Walsh – Empowerography podcast on Instagram here

As always, stay quirky and write soon.

Sandra xx

How To Make Money As A Therapist And Turn A Passion Into A Profession – With Author/Speaker Dr Alan Simberg

Have you ever struggled to turn your passion into a profession?

Do you stress and worry over money?

Are you an aspiring author or business owner, but you don’t know where to start, what to do, or how to scale?

Or are you an established “business owner” but it feels like you’re chasing your tail trying to find practical solutions to your business challenges, and emotionally you feel wiped out?

Ever considered how a therapist could help you excel both personally and professionally? And how therapy could enhance your life?

Or, are you an aspiring therapist yourself?

Maybe you’re already a therapist but you struggle to get clients?

Do you want to know where to get clients?

How to better your life and business?

Mistakes to avoid in your business, especially if you’re just starting out?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, do not miss this insightful, informative, and at times thought-provoking interview with Dr Alan Simberg on my Make Money Make Cash YouTube channel here, in which he will answer all of these questions and so much more. He will advise you not just on what you need to do, but exactly how to do it step-by-step, which many others fail to do, or don’t want to reveal to you, for fear of competition wiping them out. But not Dr Simberg, just like his profession of over 50+ years, he is dedicated to helping you to better your life and truly achieve your dreams.

Watch this video below now, or click on this link and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon for more interviews, help, advice and guidance, about how to make money doing what you love, so you can turn your dreams into reality, and live the life you truly desire and deserve.

In this video you’ll discover:

What it takes to start your own business and turn a passion into a profession.

A BIG mistake to avoid if you’re an Author and the BIGGEST mistake you can make in business and what to do about it.

He gives huge insights into how to live your best life both personally and professionally, and has some useful advice on how to master our emotions by looking at things in a more non-personal way, so we can be happier.

How To Make Money As A Therapist

How To Get Clients

How To Better Your Life And Business practically, mentally and spiritually.

Mistakes to avoid if you’re an Author or you run your own business.

How to start up your own business the correct way.

So don’t delay getting the right advice at the right time by watching here

About Alan Simberg Ph.D.

Dr. Simberg has 50 plus years clinical experience and incorporates a blend of traditional, practical, and results-based strategies into his counseling programs to support each client to create a life they truly enjoy living.

Dr Alan Simberg 

  • Leader in Successful Addiction Recovery Programs
  • Ph.D. Counseling Psychology
  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Ed.S. Marriage & Family Therapy
  • Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
  • Neuro Emotional Technique Practitioner
  • Certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition

He’s been featured in a variety of podcasts and magazine articles.

Dr Alan Simberg has gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding to help you to create the life you love and achieve your dreams, so be sure to not miss out on that, and go watch his interview now. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. Here

And at the end of our interview together, Dr Alan Simberg gave me a wonderful testimonial about my interview style. “You have an intuitive way of when to listen and when to speak”

Check out the full interview testimonial in the video below.

Make Money Make Cash is all about giving you practical, down to earth solutions to your money making problems, whether it’s making some quick cash to pay the bills, building a side hustle, or turning your passion into a profession, so you can truly live the live of your dreams. Please don’t miss out on this invaluable ‘how to” advice show, especially if you have been struggling to really know how to turn your life, mind, and business around. Subscribe here to my Make Money Make Cash YouTube channel to not miss out!

You can connect with Dr Alan Simberg through his website here

As always, stay quirky, write soon, and much love to you.

Sandra xx

Attention Writers, Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Redundant Workers, Side Hustlers! Do You Struggle To Make Money Make Cash? Want To Save Yourself Time, Money, Heartache And Pain?

Do you feel like you are bashing your head against a brick wall? Are you fed up with going after the next shiny object with little to no results, and you don’t know where to go next? Do you feel frustrated and like a failure? Do you want to know the REAL truth behind the entrepreneur life? Rather than the ‘freedom’ laptop Lamborghini lifestyle it’s portrayed to be? Do you want to learn from someone’s epic failures and small successes over the last 8 years and counting, to save yourself time, money, heartache and pain? If so, this post is for you…

But first, I want to share with you my very personal, emotional, and transformational entrepreneur journey – The Journey That Saved My Life, from my new Make Money Make Cash channel. Watch the video below NOW! (It’s subtitled if you can’t play the words and music.) And don’t forget to subscribe to my new Make Money Make Cash channel, to change your own life, by saving yourself time, money, heartache and pain.

The Journey That Saved My Life!

They say if you could pinpoint a single moment in time, when your life completely changed, what would that moment be?

For me, this was, that moment. And it occurred on October 5th 2012.

In fact, 2012, was the year that completely changed my life, for the better forever.

See this was me before, you can see it in my eyes can’t you? The pain, the sorrow, the worn and tired truth!

The fact was, I was depressed for years. I was suicidal at times. I didn’t see a point to life. And I definitely didn’t want to be in it.

I prayed to God with tears pouring down my cheeks, to just let it all end. To take me. To let me die. I begged him, time after time, with tears rolling down my face. I didn’t understand why he was torturing me being in this life. I didn’t see a point to this continuous suffering, the point of me being here. I honestly couldn’t see why I was here. I didn’t like my life. I didn’t like myself.

And when I finally did see that I was born to write, I had no direction with that writing. 

And still I had times of suicidal thoughts… I used to look at a train track and think about death and dying. I used to look at a railway bridge, and think, about… well, you know…

No one now, would recognise me, how I was back then. But this is my truth, that no one’s really known about me. I was in a really bad way. I was in such a dark, deep, dark place. With no way out. It was like a hole swallowing me.

And as I look back and think about that time now. I’m welling up with tears once again. As I remember, going back into that body of me. And I remember how I felt and the loneliness and the pain, and that no one understood me. No one understood me, I was all alone, I was bullied at school. And I was made to feel, in life that I didn’t belong. That I was an alien here. And what was I doing here? What was my purpose? Why was I born? What was the point of me even being born? And you can feel it can’t you, in my voice? The sadness, the pain.

Look at me now and I’m a completely different person. And I want to tell you how that came to be…

It was on that day, on October 5th2012, that I began not just my entrepreneurial journey but my self-love journey. I finally saw all the skills, all the talents, all the abilities that I had gained over the years to date. And I realised that no longer was I helpless and hopeless in life with no direction, I actually had skills to offer the world. And it’s from that moment on, that I went to business seminar after business seminar, learning as much as I could about business, about finances, about customers, about customer acquisition, about email lists, about internet marketing, about email marketing, social media marketing. You name it, I learnt it. Time and time again. Over and Over. Different seminars, different angles. Different ways of thinking, of being, and doing.

In the course of my personal and professional entrepreneur journey I became such a stronger person. More informed. And I became resilient to knockbacks. To facing my fears. I faced my fears and pushed through them head on. Something I hadn’t been able to do before.

I got up in the middle of the night and worked hours and hours. I gave up television. And I began to learn how to do website design. I learnt the skills of T-Shirt designing. Something I never thought I would be able to do in my entire life. Every type of business that I was potentially interested in. I looked in drop shipping. I looked into Internet marketing. I looked into coaching and mentoring. I looked into making money through EBay and Facebook Marketplace. I looked through building a website and hoping customers would just turn up, which yes, of course they don’t. And yes, I just went from seminar to seminar, business show to business show. I got public speaking training, coaching training. You name it, I’ve done it. 

And then I realised, it wasn’t actually doing the business as such, that made me happy, it was the fact that I had become a much more happier, stronger, resilient person, in the process of my entrepreneurial journey. Make Money Make Cash, is for me, is the process of becoming happy and happier within myself. Because I’m stronger. I’m more powerful and fearless than I’ve ever been in my life. I respect myself. I love myself. I value myself, more than ever. And I help a ton of people in the process. I learnt how to change peoples’ lives through the written word. Now I have my own publishing imprint, Quirky Books. It took me 7 years to get that publishing imprint. I write books that change peoples’ lives. Do I make a shed load of money at it? No. But am I happy? Yes. Do I want to live? Absolutely. And every day I get out of bed and look forward to writing, blogging, vlogging, social media marketing. And nothing, nothing, feels better, than when I get a message in my inbox saying, I was broken, I felt suicidal, but now because of your book, I want to live, and I know that I’m okay.

So if you want to change your life, don’t even hesitate, click on that button now, subscribe to this channel for free. Learn how to make money, make cash. But more importantly, learn how to be happy with the process of entrepreneurship, regardless of how much money you make. Learn to change your life, and learn how to impact the world and change others’.

So join me on this Make Money Make Cash channel, let’s put the LAW Of ACTION, back in ATTRACTION. So hit the button now, change your life, and change others’ too. Subscribe now. Hit that great big bell icon. And I look forward to seeing you on the next video of Make Money Make Cash. See you soon… Subscribe NOW!

Subscribe To Make Money Make Cash YouTube Channel, to save yourself time, money, heartache and pain.

Learn from my small successes and epic failures at making money and making cash online for the last 8 years and counting. Save yourself time, money, heartache and pain.

SUBSCRIBE NOW! 😍 for more make money make cash videos 😍 hit the bell 🔔 icon so you get notified of every time I post a new video or go live!

MAKE MONEY MAKE CASH – putting the law of ACTION 💪 back in ATTRACTION. #workfromhome #makemoneyonline

Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, so do it for the journey – because it’s the journey that truly changes your life! 😍 #forthejourney

Let’s build a community of love, hope, inspirers and designers of our own lives at:

And as always, write soon,

Sandra xx

Attention! Course Creators, Coaches, Trainers, Writers, Content Creators! Don’t Miss This Amazing Opportunity That Will Save You Hundreds Or Thousands Of Dollars And Time!

Attention! Course Creators, Coaches, Trainers, Writers, Content Creators!

Don’t Miss This Amazing Low Cost Opportunity!

Save Yourself Hundreds Or Thousands Of Dollars, And Hours Of Wasted Time!

UPDATE!!!!!! Please note, that while I still love the Invanto platform and still have courses and other digital products on there, it’s with a heavy heart that as of 13/1/2021, I am currently NOT recommending Invanto at the moment and for the foreseeable future, until, and if, Invanto survive the current economic climate that has unfortunately lead their business decline. It’s no longer a stable platform to use for newbies because their current outlook is not good. I believe in being transparent with you. I created a sales funnel using Invanto and sadly this didn’t work for technical reasons that I can’t fix myself so I missed out on launching it for Black Friday and it currently looks like this is not an issue that is going to be fixed by the Invanto team. I found out a few days ago, that other member of the platform had the same problem not long ago and they have already moved over to another platform. I have sent emails and messages to no avail. It’s a shame, because this platform it very easy for me to use and I like the platform itself, but obviously you can’t run a business like this. So it means copying my products and uploading them to another platform which takes a ton of time. I already copied 3 courses to another platform and worked hard on that but still have some more things to finish in regard to that, finishing the profile and publishing etc. Students can still access the courses they paid for on Invanto.

Right now, I am focusing on my passion and life purpose, which is writing books that change lives. This is the most consistent way I have found to make money online, and impact the world significantly. And I will continue to do so, one book at a time. So my current book I am aiming to get finished and ready for Kindle by the end of this month, is Asexual Guide To Sex. I have been working on this book since June 2019 – here is a sneaky peek of what’s to come…

In this book… revealed… THE NAKED TRUTH ABOUT SEX, The good, the bad, and the fugly (fuck ugly) truth about sex, as you have NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE, as 18 asexuals explain in great detail what happened when they first lost their virginity and what it really feels like to have sex if you are asexual.

Uncensored. Raw. Real. Authentic. What they don’t want you to know… coming soon to an Amazon store near you!

Here is my first book for asexuals, which I published in 2017,

Even if you aren’t asexual, believe me, this new book I am finishing – will blow your mind!!! If you think you know everything there is to know about sex? Think again… watch this blog for further updates! And don’t forget to start saving your pennies, because you will want this book!

Invanto - host course and membership sites

Unlock the deal

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Unlock the deal

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Pricing starts from $20 a month.

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Finally, now you can easily host unlimited online schools, courses, membership sites, and your own deals sites, for a low cost monthly fee!

Don’t Miss Out On This Low Cost Deal Of A Lifetime And A Lifeline.

Saved Hundreds Or Even Thousands Of Dollars By Ordering Now!

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Do you struggle to know where to host your courses and membership sites, for a fraction of the cost that other’s are shouting about?

Perhaps you are just starting out and secretly not in profit yet, and you can’t afford monthly fees as you build your empire?

Or maybe you are money savvy and have a rich mindset, where you realise the poor mindset people are those going around in flash cars with gold jewellery, instead of putting money into assets that will get them a good return. This is how the rich get rich, and the poor, get poorer!

You’re smart. You know investing in the right software and hosting, can make and save you hundreds or thousands of dollars, while you sleep. Whereas those $400 trainers are still wrapped up in your friend’s wardrobe, and saved for that special occasion. 

But… investing in software or hosting for your online courses or membership sites, is no easy task!

I have been stung before and I get it! Proceeding with caution has become ingrained into me through these bad experiences.

But as you and I both know, festering on past mistakes, doesn’t solve the problem. You still need somewhere to host your courses and memberships sites, and the sooner you get the right software and hosting, the sooner those mistakes become your greatest gains, as you get a better deal by going with a more reputable company. Saving yourself hundreds or thousands of hours and dollars, trying to go it alone.

We both know what a headache trying to go it alone, is:

  • You have to pay for website hosting
  • Buy a domain name/s
  • Buy WordPress themes that break, or never work in the first place
  • Use plugins that conflict with others and result in the white screen of death
  • Integrate a shopping cart and take payments
  • You have to pay an email company just to send out a thank you email
  • Pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to hire a web developer
  • Hire someone who specialises in maintaining your e-commerce store – WooCommerce!
  • You website gets constantly hacked and you have to pay at least $300 per hack to fix it!
  • Or you waste hundreds and thousands of hours of your precious time, learning these skills for yourself
  • You lose opportunities as a result
  • You lose money
  • You feel stressed

Does this sound familiar? You want to host your courses, but you find yourself tearing your hair out with all the ‘helpful advice’ out there, claiming to be the best hosting company there is.

You’ve done your research. You’ve tried to host courses directly on WordPress, probably using a theme with a plugin like LearnPress, only to realise the theme usually breaks, the plugin conflicts with others, resulting in the dreaded white screen of death, and your WordPress site keeps getting hacked. To be honest, you don’t have any confidence in what you are using to host your courses or membership sites, and that’s why you’re not promoting them like you know you should be…

You have done your research: Thinkific. Teachable. ClickFunnels. But they are either super expensive, or with restrictions that only the much higher priced monthly plans, can resolve. They take fees out of your hard earned cash. They have limits on the number of users you can have before you have to pay more. Or they just don’t feel right.

And often, you have to host your courses on one platform, and your membership sites on another, which gets even more costly.

Or, you can only have one school, with multiple courses, per paid plan, instead of multiple schools, with multiple courses.

Sooner or later, you realise that entrepreneur dream and freedom lifestyle, is just that, a dream! It’s going to cost you more in time and money, than you get in return. So you give up!

But… There’s A Cost To Giving Up!

You come to the end of your life, and you look back at your life, full of regrets… And what’s worse, is your best other best friend is now a multi-millionaire and you feel so sad, that’s not you! If you even made a fraction of that you would have been happy! But alas… it’s too late.

And you remember that girl who wrote a blog post, and gave you access to your future wealth lifeline that you never took…

This is what I don’t want for you!

It Was The Best Decision I Ever Made!

In October 2017, I was made redundant (laid-off you call it in the USA), from my full-time ‘day job’ after 5 years. I was working in a large retail store and was the one and only fitted bedroom specialist there. I wanted to leave. But not that soon. As I wasn’t in profit with my side businesses. In fact, far from it.

Since 2012, I had used my employed money, to invest hundreds and thousands of pounds in personal and professional development of me! I knew the smart thing was always to invest in yourself first. So you up your worth! Then you have more value to offer others. And consequently can charge more money for others to access your knowledge and skills. You are your best asset.

So I was given redundancy pay! As I was paid 5 years redundancy. It was a good payout in one lump sum, but I still had to go on benefits to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly long-term, and that money ran out fast!

My parents were horrified. Not because of my redundancy… well, they were surprised by that. But not so much, since I had predicted it the year before it happened! But… because I spent at least a third of my money on my businesses, that I will remind you, were not in profit! They honestly thought I had lost the plot… I bought lots of email marketing and chat bubble lifetime deals, with addons. I bought 15 licenses of Thrive Architect (with an extra lifetime deal at the time) – which I spent 3 years researching for use as an alternative funnel builder, and that sadly doesn’t work to this day! Yes, you heard right, it doesn’t work! And support didn’t sort it out for me within the first year. After that you lose support and have to pay for it! But paying for support you didn’t get in the first place, leaves a bad taste in my mouth! So I moved on. If I ever get it to work, I will let you know what I think! But right now, my opinion is nope! Don’t bother!

But… in November 2017, I bought access to Invanto. Which hosts both online courses and memberships sites, and even more now… It was the best decision I ever made!

Now I can:

  • Easily build online schools at the click of a button
  • Easily build membership sites at the click of button
  • Build sales funnels with upsells and downsells, and bonuses
  • Build my own deals sites
  • Sell a membership to access my whole school or just a proportion of it
  • Drip-feed content
  • Offer coupons
  • Upload and host videos FREE of charge
  • Have FREE SSL certificates
  • Offer my customers complete peace of mind with hosting on secure Amazon servers
  • Do away completely with a website and domain, at any time, if I want…
  • And so much more

No more:

  • Wasting hundreds of pounds on software that doesn’t work
  • Wasting hundreds of hours trying to learn everything myself
  • Having to hire an expensive designer – I tried to go it alone…
  • Worrying about being hacked (I was hacked a lot)
  • Having to piece things together from various sources and ending up with nothing to show for it
  • Buying themes that never work or break my site
  • Plugins that slowed my site down so it was crawling like a snail
  • Worrying about shopping cart management
  • Worry about taking payments in an insecure environment
  • Having to pay money per month for course or membership hosting

I felt so relieved…

Invanto has completely change my life. Because now I can focus on creating great content and products, without worrying about the techy side of things.

Invanto is an all-in-one platform, that has a suite of apps designed to meet all of your course and membership hosting needs and has evolved to be a market leader, and so has the owner, who I am friends with!

Do you want a tasty no brainer deal?

If yes, grab this low cost monthly deal right now. (I have been told when they do a rebrand, the price will go up to double.)

Order this jaw-dropping no-brainer monthly deal right now!

Before you regret it and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars hosting elsewhere, and rack up a huge bill on your credit card!

Transform your life at the click of a button! You won’t regret it and will be thanking me for this later. Grab the monthly deal now!

This is going to save you hundreds, and thousands of pounds and hours, trying to piece it all together yourself.

Click the order button now!

They have a 30 day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Order now!

Order this special lifetime deal now!

Just in case you want proof that I use Invanto, here is my dashboard inside it!

Order this special lifetime deal now!

P.S. The order link is an affiliate link, and so if you do purchase through it, it won’t cost you any more, but I may earn some pennies as result, and it would really help me out! A girl has to keep investing in herself, so I can bringing you more awesome draw-dropping deals, and insightful information, taking the headache out of soloprenership and entrepreneurship, and taking you and your business to the next level!

Write soon

Sandra xx

What We Can Learn From An Angel!

Angel and Sandra
My baby daughter Angel guinea pig with me, Sandra Bellamy

This is my baby daughter guinea pig Angel, she is diabetic, blind, and the most incredible furry kid I have ever known in her ability to enjoy life despite living in the face of adversity.

She can often be seen popcorning (basically doing bunny hops even though she is a guinea pig), in her indoor cage. This means despite being blind, and diabetic, she is still enjoying and loving life. This is a shining example of how to ‘live in spite of’.

In life there are going to be obstacles, challenges, and things that could hold you back in life, the secret is to allow those things to fuel you, to motivate you, to give you a new lease of life, and to enable you to do new things, have new thoughts, and don’t let nothing hold you back.

She is a real hero. How many people do things because they are able to? And how many people do things that they aren’t meant to be able to do, because they have an illness, a disability, or something that should stop them, but it doesn’t!

One of my entrepreneur friends who mentors mentors and networks among some of the most famous people in music and show biz, he grew up in a bad neighbourbourhood and was selling 0.50 cent bread. Now he is wealthy beyond his wildest dreams, not just financially, but in his overall quality of life. His philosophy is ‘the days that break us are the days that make us’ and he is so right! We have to use our hardest times, to motivate us to achieve our goals, ambitions and dreams, and to change our life. The more we work for it, the more badly we want it, the more likely we are to get it. He has a book out, Work Like an Immigrant: 9 Keys to Unlock Your Potential, Attain True Fulfillment, and Build Your Legacy Todaywhich I bought, and it’s such an inspirational, autobiographical, personal growth, self-growth, and self-help book, which I would also encourage you to buy, as it could change your life too, here is the link if you are in the UK and if you are in the USA or elsewhere click here I feel so happy I know this person and to have watched their incredible journey, and how their life changed particularly since meeting Tony Robbins and training with him.

Oh and in regard to my Angel, she truly is Angel by name and Angel by nature, because the last time she went to the vets, he couldn’t believe that she went from having cataracts in both eyes and completely blind, to miraculously, one of the cataracts in one of her eyes, has completely disappeared. It’s meant to be impossible for that to happen! And it looks like she has a little peripheral vision back in it, because if you put your finger right in front of it, her head jumps a little back, whereas before she was completely oblivious to your finger being right in front of either of her eyeballs. This was a test they did when she first went blind, and within 10 days got diabetes and moved to live with my parents who can inject her. I have a fear of needles and blood and sadly can’t do this for her, but go and visit her, and this photo is from a very recent visit to see her, when I gave her a bit if a hair cut on the back of her. My mum looks after her incredibly well, and if it weren’t for my mum, she would almost certainly not be alive today, so I am incredibly grateful and thankful for the around the clock care she has, and for my mum treating her like the beautiful, cute, queen, that she is. She bangs her pot a lot for food, constantly all day, and eats a ton of food yet maintains a fairly consistent weight. My mum spends a lot of money on food and treats for her. I am still responsible for her vets bills, and for her to see the vet in my city if she ever needs a check up or operation, or anything else. She has also survived two operations. One was a large operation to remove ovarian cysts and the other to remove a lump from her back that was pressing on her spine. She is incredible and I love her to bits. She is an example of how to live your best life, inspite of and despite of, being sick in some ways, having a health condition and having physical limitations. She truly doesn’t let her limits limit her, and neither should you.

If you wondered why I haven’t blogged for so long and thought I might have fallen off planet earth, not a chance. I am here for the long-haul. I have been extremely busy and needed to take time out from blogging on here and two other blogs, to time block out my most pending and urgent work.

  • I was interviewed for a podcast about my asexuality – a sexual orientation that is the lack of sexual attraction.
  • Last week I finished my Asexual Meetup Mastery premium course, which I had been working on since September 2019. It’s an online training course that is made up of about 70 videos, and the first person to take the course is currently going through all of it, before I official launch it on an early bird offer.
  • I was very sick with a respiratory infection and had to rest, but also used the second week of this time productively, to reflect with a pen and paper, on all major aspects of my life and work out exactly what I am doing with my life and write each out. This took me about 2.5 days, but was very therapeutic for my soul and helped me to get better quicker and this time I had no antibiotics but still managed to get myself better when I couldn’t breathe very well one night, and had no sleep.
  • I have also been working on my second book for asexuals called Asexual Guide To Sex, which will also be very relevant for sexuals too. And it set to be the best book ever written about sex, from a unique asexual point of view and is ideal for those asexuals or even sexuals, who are thinking about trying sex for the first time ever, and who want some help to decide whether it is right for them or not. With the information in this book and the real life asexual sexual stories in it, they can make an informed choice and decision whether they want to try it or not. This book tells the good, the bad, and the ugly truth about sex, not a glorified sensationalied version of it. This book will be published this year and is my main focus for getting finished as much as possible in March, so expect me to be quieter in March again.
  • I have also been planning my new business which is all about helping people to make money and cash online. This is something I will be launching a bit later this year and will take a ton of my time up, focus and energy, as I will be launching a new YouTube channel and website for it, and interviewing different entrepreneurs for it to help you. I will also have my own products for it, so I need to spend time creating those for you. It’s a huge thing for me to do, so I want to try to complete and publish my book before then, so I will be going offline a lot through March to get this completed.
  • I have done some online training for my new business and got more to do at Silly O Clock tonight – from 12.30am.
  • I decided to go on a relationship and dating detox at the end of January, and not actively pursue a relationship anymore, and focus on my career and businesses this year, but still had guys interested in me and messaging me.
  • I have been out clubbing and seen my best friends.

So yeah, a lot has happened, and I thank you for still being here with me.

Don’t forget to check out my friend’s book, Work Like an Immigrant: 9 Keys to Unlock Your Potential, Attain True Fulfillment, and Build Your Legacy Today here is the link if you are in the UK and if you are in the USA or elsewhere click here

Have you got an angel in your life? And if so, who are they, and how are they an angel to you?

As always stay quirky and write soon,

Sandra xx

You are the miracle!

So many people spend their whole life looking for external gratification, looking for things to happen to them to make their life better, looking for that miracle, all the while not realising, that they are the miracle and they are the only one who has the power to change their life!

This video was filmed live on my channel  and was also published on my inspirational blog please subscribe to my channel for a mixture of motivational and inspirational life hacks and poetry to live your best life and life your purpose! And if you LOVE inspiration, be sure to subscribe to , as you would not want to miss a post!

As always, stay quirky and write soon

Sandra xx


Well now my all new Quirky Academy is officially launched at last, the moment I have been waiting for, for years of my life, has finally come to fruition! It is a new online training centre for Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, and Creatives, with courses for both personal and professional development! I am starting small and building big and will have other tutors, besides me on there, in their specialist fields. If you want more details on how to become a tutor and what would be involved, please email me at And I would also like to know your ideas for what types of courses you would want to see on there, so please fill out the poll below, it would be very helpful to me! Thanks in advance xx



How To Overcome Setbacks: My 12 Simple Step Formula How To Overcome Setbacks! Happy New Year 2018!

How To Deal With Setbacks!

My 12 Simple Step Formula How To Overcome Setbacks!

Happy New Year 2018!

So last year I had a number of setbacks in succession. First I was made redundant from my day job of 5 years that I enjoyed, 2 days later, 10 of my websites got hacked and my account was suspended by my web host for all of my sites. It took me about 7 weeks to finally get them all back online virus free, databases mended, security learned to a high degree and installed on each with backup, and to redesign some and put coming soon notifications on the others – as I am changing some of them anyway this year (blessing in disguise?). The guy I was with turned out not to be so nice so I split with him and my printer did not work for 3 weeks – I fixed it and now it has stopped working again! My fibro book is yet to be finished, I have written the meat but need to rearrange some of the chapters!

My simple 12 step formula for how to overcome setbacks:

  1. Believe everything happens for a reason good or bad – this stops the ‘why me syndrome’, and know that life is forcing you to change paths somehow for your own good, you aren’t living up to your full life potential and you need to be on another path.
  2. Know that things often come in a succession but it is better to get all the s..t out and got rid of in one long go than keep getting lots of ups and downs (preferably short go) but accept that life is full of ups and downs anyway.
  3. Always remember when there are a ton of downs, law of averages means there is going to be a lot of ups coming your way.
  4. Remain positive! Have a positive attitude to life and use positive self-talk!
  5. Say, bring it on, I am stronger than you think and I can deal with anything life throws my way.
  6. Know that life will be struggle and expect it, so when it comes it is not as shocking.
  7. Believe in yourself and your ability to work things out.
  8. See all obstacles as challenges that you will gladly overcome.
  9. Know there are no failures, just lessons to learn from – therefore you can never truly fail.
  10. Believe it is better to have struggles, challenges, and be stretched, to develop and grow yourself into a stronger version of you than to stagnate in life and never change.
  11. See change as a good thing.
  12. Always count your blessings and be thankful and grateful for what you do have and that you are alive.

I hope that helps you.

As always, stay quirky and write soon.

Happy New Year 2018.

Lots of love and hugs xx

Sandra xx

Happy 2018 deal with setbacks pics




Happy New Year 2017!

Happy New Year 2017 Selfie!

Happy 2017 with my Frozen crown!

This was my last meal of 2016. Chicken Chop Suey – With Mixed Vegetables! Sugar/Wheat/Yeast Free

Happy New Year 2017.

“Be The Miracle You Are Waiting For” Quote By Sandra Bellamy Aka Quirky Books!

Love you so much.

What’s in store for 2017?

  • I will be publishing my Asexual Perspectives book very soon. It’s written but editing is still being done.
  • I have a new http://www.facebook/acexualisedating page to go with my Asexual Dating Facebook group for Asexuals who want to date other asexuals and are looking for a serious relationship forever without sex. I only launched this yesterday but plan to expand on this in the future.
  • will be turned into an online training centre for Entrepreneurs; Start-ups and Creatives with a focus on body, mind and soul. Taking a holitic view of Entrepreneurship and Embracing Your Quirky!

Wishing you much success, joy and happiness for 2017. Always stay quirky xx and keep being you xx

How To Improve Your Writing – Video 2 of 6 Mini Training series – Last Chance for Generation Cherry!

In this video I will give you another top tip on how to improve your writing – as Tesco says, ‘Every Little Helps!’

Remember, there is just a little time left to grab yourself a free PDF review copy of Generation Cherry courtesy of RedDoor Publishing. I am so excited that next week I will be sharing my interview with the Author of this book Tim Drake, and you can read his answers here; on Monday 12th of September!! Tim Drake is a consultant and mentor to leading companies and executives. Tim speaks and writes regularly about human motivation and change and is the Author of three successful books on personal development.

His other publications are:

  1. Wearing the Coat of Change
  2. How To Make a Difference
  3. You Can be as Young as You Think

Generation Cherry is out on September 22nd 2016!!

Generation Cherry
Generation Cherry

To review the book, please contact Anna Burtt – details below! And tell her you saw this blog post!!

Anna Burtt
Senior Publishing Assistant
01444 240152

Stay quirky and write soon

