How Entrepreneurship Took Me From Self-loathing To Self-loving – Sandra Bellamy Empowerography Interview

So happy to be featured on Empowerography Podcast telling my personal story of how I went from self-loathing to self-loving through entrepreneurship and what inspires me most about the work I do.

If you’ve ever lacked  purpose, felt like you don’t belong, or you don’t like yourself or your life – I want you to know I’ve been in that position myself for many, many years, since childhood, and it wasn’t until 2012… that everything changed for me and I went from self-loathing to self-loving.

See what I mean by watching this video below – or clicking through this link

After watching the video, you may have noticed that in order to self-love, you need to:

  • Take notice of all the special qualities you have.
  • How much life experience you have.
  • How much knowledge you have gained, through work and your life.
  • How many skills you have gained, through work and your life.
  • All of which you can use to help others.
  • Which means you are useful, not useless.
  • You are worthy of being in life.
  • You matter.

So think about all of these.

Helping others gives you purpose, meaning, and helps you to heal also. Even if that’s doing some sort of volunteer work – online or offline.

Helping yourself, by seeing your own value and worth, even when you’re not helping others, is important to your own health and wellbeing. 

The more you see yourself as you truly are, not what love ones, family, so called friends and society have conditioned you to believe and think you are, the more you can be your true authentic self and love yourself. You can’t love yourself if others have manipulated and brainwashed you into believing you are this, that, and the other… and you can never change and there is something inherently wrong with you – what’s wrong with you, is the lies of unworthiness other people have fed you, and you believe, if you lack self-love. I hope you can begin to see, if you lack self-love, that you are worth loving and being in life.

Which leads me on to my next point and video clip, just because someone gives you feedback, doesn’t mean you have to take it onboard and accept it, it’s more important for you to be your authentic self, especially in business as that’s when you be become the brand and you’re no longer a commodity. Watch it here or click play on the video below.

There will be people who don’t understand you, who don’t agree with what you do, and will try to give you advice on how to do something in the way they would do it, but they’re not you, and if your audience has known you for a long time, they will know if you are faking things, if you’re not being your true authentic self, and they will feel it. People pleasing someone else to keep the peace when you’re own self-worth, self-esteem and self-brand is at stake, is not a wise move. It take guts to stick up to these people if they are directly in your life on a regular basis, but you have a duty of care to yourself, to do the right thing by you as well as your audience and brand. Never give up being you, because of the tight pigeon hole, someone else wants to put you in, as that suppresses and represses, who you truly are.

I also got asked during this in-depth, empowering interview, what lights me up and inspires me most about the work I do, to which I replied this… watch the video below to find out, or by clicking this link

When you’re doing work you love and your mission (your why) is so BIG, you will continue to stay motivated to achieve your goals. So always go after what you love, not what other people love and want you to love. Always stay true to you.

Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts here

Or Spotify here

Let me know what you think 🤔

Follow Brad Walsh – Empowerography podcast on Instagram here

As always, stay quirky and write soon.

Sandra xx

Summits Up! Business, Spirituality, Personal Growth! Don’t Miss Out!

FLY Summit
Do you like business, spirituality, personal growth? If yes, go register for the Freestyle Your Life Authenticity Summit. You will be so glad to learn from 78 experts in their field, exactly what it takes to live your dream as the authentic you, you were always born to be!

Today is the day! If you haven’t already got your FREE ticket to the Authenticity Summit, click here now

I am speaking today, on this summit, about Asexuality! Labelled as sharing my heroic life journey, along with other experts in their chosen fields, it’s sure to be a memorable interview.

Sign up and look for an email in your inbox, or check your spam box, click through the link for day 4 and watch!

It’s only are for 24 hours, so be sure not to miss out! (Or you can buy the recording from the event organiser! Erneste Carla Zimmermann)

As always, stay quirky and write soon

Sandra xx

FREE EXPERT AUTHENTICITY SUMMIT – How To Recreate Your Life As Your True Authentic Balanced Self With Over 78 Experts! Join Now!

FLY Summit
FLY summit

Are Your Thoughts….?

  • …I could have done better in life
  • …I have to be popular with everyone
  • …I have to meet the expectations of others
  • …I don’t live as I thought I was going to
  • …I still regret what happened in the past
  • …I’m worried about my future
  • …I feel I’m not enough

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the FLY – Freestyle Your Life Authenticity Week Online Summit 2019, from 9th-15th of Dec, is for you! The FLY Authenticity Week Online Summit 2019 ‘🎬 is revealing the best tips and strategies of the most amazing experts on authenticity and self-realisation and I am thrilled to be part of it – I am speaking on day 4, which is the 12th of December, make sure that date is in your diary! Nobody should be ruling your life, but YOU ❣ On the FLY – Summit, you’ll learn how to break free from limiting beliefs, past conditioning which no longer serves you, and to heal emotional wounds; and how to implement it all in your life & business! 🍀

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • ❣Learn how to break free from whatever sucks in your life
  • Learn how to discover your WHY and live your purpose
  • Learn to become conscious and find your authentic self
  • Learn how to liberate from the curse of being not enough
  • Learn how to stop living your past life over and over again
  • Learn how to turn sacrifice into self-LOVE
  • Learn how to stop self-sabotaging thoughts & behaviour once and for all!
  • Learn how to thrive vs. just survive, and live funny and prosper
  • ❣Learn how to reduce stress and heal your emotional wounds
  • ❣Learn how to restyle your life on your own authentic terms
  • ❣Learn how to transform and turn your dream into a reality
  • ❣Learn how to tap into your genius; to thrive personally and as an entrepreneur
  • ❣Learn how to find your voice and grow and monetise your business
  • ❣Learn how to put yourself into the driver’s seat and live your purpose

And so much more!

The event is free to attend, and each session is available for free, for 24 hours only, so don’t miss out! You can view the summit by signing up at to receive the email for each day’s event. You get a complete ‘Authenticity Training Blueprint‘ you can follow to break free from whatever sucks at the Status Quo, so you can finally evolve in your life & business. When you implement the wisdom shared by 78 amazingly authentic and highly inspirational experts & speakers, you can rise and show up as the authentic being & leader you were always born to be; owning who you truly are 🎬🔝. This is not just an interview series, but all interviews and days are built upon each other and are a summarised representation of pure wisdom and mentorship of 78 experts to transform you into the authentic self 🍀. Freestyle-Your-Life is a way of living life on your own authentic terms after pressing Reset and getting rid of all that sucks in your life, so you can truly be the quirky you, you were always born to be, with all your quirky individuality! 😎 You seriously don’t want to miss this! I am friends with the event organiser and host, and her own story of her battle with cancer and how she overcame it, by discovering how to be her true authentic self, and live life on her own terms, is truly inspirational and exceptional, she literally lives and breathes what she teaches. I know if anyone can help you to be your true authentic quirky self, she can.

This is the first international conference worldwide of its type, featuring 78 authentic and awesome experts and speakers, sharing their immense wisdom and best tips to guide you to becoming authentically quirky YOU. If you can’t make all the shows, no problem, you can purchase the recordings to the entire event, at a highly reduced price, before the summit even starts with the EarlyBird pricing offer (well worth it)!  78 experts, for a fraction of the cost it would be to buy their mentorship and coaching on an individual basis! Sign up here before this deal is gone for good Hurry now, kickoff is on Monday, December 9, 2019, so not long to go. Give yourself the gift this Christmas of truly being quirky authentic you, sign up here 🎁

As always, stay quirky and write soon

Sandra xx

The Most Amazing Person To Be Is Yourself – Inspirational Quote By Sandra Bellamy Quirky Academy

Best person to be is you

People look externally to get their life to be ‘better’; to have more money, to look a certain way; to get people to believe they are this and that. They often go along with the masses, and react like a chameleon, and lose their sense of self in the process! They end up trying to replicate so many others so often, that they barely recognise themselves and then look for external gratification and reassurance that it is okay to be them (which is actually a made up version of lots of other people) – so who is them? Do they even know? ‘Why are you trying to be someone you are not?’ I think to myself, because when your life has ended, will these superficial people you follow and try to be like even care? Stop wasting your life and start living your own! There is no better person to be than yourself, because nobody does a better job of being you, no one else knows what you like, need, and want, more than you do, so only you have the power to make yourself the happiest being alive, and you don’t need anyone else to do that for you. The best role you can possibly get in your life, is that of being your true authentic self, and all you need is you, to see your life through!

Stay your quirky self my friend, live your life for you and love yourself, every day, just as you are, your whole life through!

Until next time, stay quirky and write soon

Sandra xx



quirky roving reporter at your service!

Hi everyone

Yesterday was the first full day of the launch of my quirkybooksTV YouTube channel. So far it has been hugely successful. When I say huge, huge to me anyway. 23 views and two subscribers in the first 24 hours.

My intention is to upload footage from my phone on a regular basis and be a quirky roving reporter. I hope to keep it along the same lines as this blog, to compliment it. I intend to offer quirky how-to advice, writing hints, tips, know-how, out of the box thinking and all things quirky.

I was to keep it as authentic and raw as possible, so I will be looking to ad-lib, keep it unedited, the camera will move and I will be keeping it real. Sometimes you may see me in a suit and other times you may not. Sometimes you will see me looking not so good and at other times, not bad. Being quirky is about being your authentic self, about breaking the rules and conventions. It’s about being brave and intentionally different, it’s about standing out and being proud to be you. I hope to encourage you to “embrace your quirky” and this is a saying you will hear me saying a lot from now on.

I have thrown away the conventions of having the right lighting, the right backdrop, the camera must stay still and the ‘got-to-be professional’, regimented formula for filming, with the intention of giving you a more fly-on-the-wall experience. Some may call it radical, I call it radically quirky.

I will try to post some of my videos on here, but if you would like to see and hear more of me, and all of the videos, you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on this link and hitting the subscribe button. Have fun looking at the second video thumbnail – It has cut my head off! Radically quirky!

I am off to London tomorrow to go to The Business Show On Thursday and Friday. I intend to post when I can and I will catch up with your comments upon my return.

Write soon
