How #1 International Bestselling Author Sandra Bellamy Made A CRAZY Amount Of Global Impacts In 2023

There is a saying, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs

Call me CRAZY, but I might just have made a CRAZY amount of global impacts in 2023, especially for someone who has 2 hidden disabilities – one being GAD – Generalised Anxiety Disorder – so it’s quite a mental workout to be able to push through my own fears and personal boundaries, to be able to accomplish all the things I did last year – especially to help fulfil my life mission of getting asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in its own right throughout the globe, so no asexual has to live in fear of ridicule ever again.

Last year I said yes to me:

Yes, to investing in myself with bLU Talks speaker training programs – one has author training too.

Yes, to being more productive and procrastinating less.

Yes, to taking more bold and courageous action – in spite of what others may think.

Yes, to being more of my true authentic self.

Yes, to sticking up for myself

Yes, to believing in myself more.

Yes, to being way out of my comfort zone.

Yes, to new opportunities.

Yes, to doing things I had never tried before.

And how my life has changed as a result, has been phenomenal.

Say I do to you

So now I want to share with you those ultra big achievements I’ve made, that created a global impact in 2023.

Biggest achievement in 2023 – I was on James Miller Lifeology Radio show with over 3 million listeners per episode – That’s 3 million people hearing about my life as an asexual person!

I didn’t pay to be on James’s show, I won the opportunity to pitch to him in front of a live virtual audience at one of bLU Talks Expert’s Bootcamps, and I took advantage of that opportunity and got on his show after going through an official longer-than-expected application process. It was well worth all of the time and effort I spent doing that.

The Life of an Asexual Person | Sandra Bellamy By James Miller Lifeology Interview ORIGINAL VERSION watch here

James Miller interviews Sandra Bellamy

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts here:

James Milleris the CEO of James Miller | LIFEOLOGY®, LLC and The Executive Producer and Host of LIFEOLOGY® Radio Nationally Broadcast and Syndicated Radio Show

(See my show page on James’s site here

This was broadcast on/across:

National Radio Stations

  • 18 AM/FM terrestrial radio stations: Tuesday at 1:30 pm, Friday at 9:30 am, and Saturday at 12:30 pm
    • Washington, DC: FM – 96.7
    • Tampa, FL: AM – 1630, FM – 92.1
    • Las Vegas, NV: AM – 1520, FM – 99.5
    • Macon, GA: AM – 810, FM – 87.9
    • Lancaster, PA: AM – 1640, FM – 102.1
    • Boulder, CO: FM – 96.3
    • Milwaukee, WI: FM – 90.3
    • Pittsburgh, PA: FM – 94.7
    • Long Beach, CA: FM – 101.5
    • New Port Richey, FL: FM – 88.3
    • The Villages, FL: FM – 97.7
    • Colorado Springs, CO: FM – 87.9
    • Jacksonville, FL: FM – 90.3
    • Rocky Hill, NC: FM – 89.5

Streaming Radio

Archived on Podcasting Platforms

Digitally (Under AMFM247 Channel)

  • Roku
  • WorldTV
  • Dish TV
  • Youtube
  • Google TV
  • Other Network Stations Inclusion

Check it out on my own channel here and be sure to give it a thumbs up if you like it.

You can also see my reaction video here or by watching the video below:

The Life And Perspectives Of An Asexual 

Listen to it on my Asexualise My Asexual Life channel here

Sandre Bellamy with Shanna Vavra Sense Of Soul Podcast

I was so happy to be featured on Shanna Vavra’s Sense of Soul Podcast, which is a spirituality podcast, talking about asexuality and my spiritual life mission regarding that. She’s had over a million downloads of her show episodes, so it’s in the top % of listened to podcasts – which is great coverage for asexuality.

Shanna Vavra is a very attentive and inclusive interviewer, interviewing me about The Life and Perspectives of an Asexual – on ITunes here

It’s also on Shanna’s own Sense of Soul Podcast YouTube channel here:

I spoke about asexuality and self-reinvention at Oxford University for bLU Talks

Sandra-Bellamy Speaker At Oxford University
Sandra Bellamy blu Talks Oxford Uni


Watch the playlist of clips from my talk in the video below – or click this link

My self-reinvention talk included my personal transformational life journey:

From being a shy, lonely, deeply unhappy, introverted girl,

Who was a suicidal depressed mess,

With no purpose…

Averse to touch by strangers…

With huge social anxiety,

And I could only see people on a one-to-one basis…

To being extroverted, loud, bubbly, talkative –

Discovering my life purpose… (and living it.)

Being all over social media…

….organising and hosting asexual meetups…

Being able to hug strangers… 

Being able to talk about sex and masturbation, as easily as drinking water… to help asexuals.

Want to know how I achieved all of these transformations and more?

.. And learn the 9 steps to reinventing yourself, to whatever best future version of yourself you want to become?

#1 International Bestselling Author Sandra Bellamy

My talk was based on my chapter in the new bLU Talks book, of Business Life and The Universe, Vol 11, with James Redfield – Bestselling Author of The Celestine Prophecy, and Ken Honda – from MindValley, who is also the Author of Happy Money, as well as Corey Poirier is That Speaker Guy, Multiple-Time TEDx Speaker, bLU Talks Founder, Co-Author of the Wall Street Journal / USA Today Bestseller, Quitless, Featured in and/or seen on: NBC, ABC, Fox, TEDx, Entrepreneur on Fire, Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, Second City, The CW and CBS…

Which became a number 1 international bestseller. See screenshots below:

Number 1 hot new release best selling books
Number 1 Best Seller In Hypnotherapy

See my name, Sandra Bellamy, in the list below of co-authors:

So now I can say I’m a #1 International Best Selling Author.  Get the blueprint to changing your self and your life and become who you truly want to be by buying this book here

Best-Selling Asexual Perspectives Book – Best-Selling Publisher Quirky Books – Speciality Asexuality

Before that, on 08/08/2023, I also became a bestselling author with Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Asexual Diversity book. And because I publish my own books under my own book publishing imprint of Quirky Books, I became a bestselling publisher too – double WOW! Get your copy here

Asexual Perspectives Best Seller book

And I wrote Diary Confessions Of A Hyper-romantic Asexual – 78 Life Lessons To ACE Your Life – book, which I am currently proofreading again along with my best friend, who fortunately for me, works in editorial as a job, so he is highly skilled and knowledgable to help me. Although with a diary-style book, it’s meant to have minimal editing done to it, be a casual conversational tone and use colloquial language, so I have to be careful not to overdo the editing, and to keep it very conversational, but I still want to make some final corrections.

This book is very different to any other book I’ve written before as it’s a diary-style book of my inner most thoughts, feelings and emotions, during a difficult hyper-romantic time and all the life lessons I learnt along the way. It’s written very informally. It’s like a behind-the-scenes of my Asexualise My Asexual Life channel – which is also a behind-the-scenes of my life, where I share my own asexual life journey, in order to help you in yours. Talking about things such as dating, relationships, self-love and self-care – which this book also focuses on helping you with. So it’s like an extension of my channel content to help you in your own asexual life – more details on this to follow and it will be at a low launch price when it’s first released, so keep your eyes on my next blog posts for updates about that, so you don’t miss out.

789 Life Lessons To ACE Your LIFE

I was also interviewed by bLU Talks about asexuality on an episode of bLU Talks Amplify Your Message show which was recorded live – and co-hosted that show once too.

Watch Asexuality Interview with Sandra Bellamy ON Blu Talks Amplify your message show, by watching the video below or click this link

If you want to see the episode I co-hosted, you can see it here

And I was the first keynote speaker at the Be And Become Summit on 14th Of December.

Sandra Bellamy Asexuality Speaker At Be And Become Summit

Here is my full talk in case you missed it:

And here is the full playlist with some of the highlights of that talk:

on 31st of December 2023, I was notified that I’ve been recognised among the 2023 – Iconic 100 Impact Ignitors Worldwide ICONS for making a difference. (Thanks to all you who voted for me into this 100 list of icons.)

Join me in celebrating positive change asexualiseofficial with International Icon Inc. ( @YouAreTheIconOrg ) and the Iconic Speakers Network ( @IconicSpeakersNetwork), led by the founder Antoinette Logan ( @AskMsLogan ).

See the full list of IMPACT IGNITORS here: (I’m included in the special mentions – People who have made special contributions to positive change.)

Sandra Bellamy Special Mention Iconic 100 List
Sandra Bellamy Special Mentions Iconic 100 List

In the video below, I show you my name as a special mention on this list.

And this list has just been featured in The Chicago Journal, here

And last year I was interviewed by Shilpi Gupta Shah, PR & Digital Marketing Associate at Fuzia | Fuzia Talent, and she gave me a mention in one of her recent new year 2024 LinkedIn posts, as one of the remarkable women leaders she interviewed, which felt fabulous.

Mention on LinkedIn

And the article from that interview has now just gone live on Humans Of Fuzia website, here notice that Fuzia have a community of over 5 Million women worldwide – so my global impact continues in 2024.

So please, do yourself a favour, never, ever, give up on your dreams and keep taking action to achieve each one of those. Your future self will thank you for it.

And make sure 2024, is the year you say, “I do” to you:

Say I do to you

With much love ❤😍

As always, stay quirky and write soon.

Sandra xx

How To Make Money As A Healer And Artist, By Healing And Loving Yourself First.

Have you ever wanted to make money doing what you love?

Ever wanted to be a best selling author?

Do you love art? Is painting your passion?

Do you feel a deep spiritual calling to help others?

If so, this post is for you.

On my Make Money Make Cash channel, I teach people how to make money online and I interview other authors, entrepreneurs, and creatives, how they make money doing what they love, so you can do the same.

In the video below I interview Monica Ramirez Warrior Of Love about how to make money as a healer and artist, by healing and loving yourself first.

Monica is a transformational belief coach. She helps others go from confusion to confidence to design the life of their dreams.

A certified N.L.P, B.Q.H (Hypnotherapy), Life Coach, Reiki Master, Galactic Akashic Record Reader, Multidimensional Energy Healer, Psychic Channeller, Best Selling Author, Artist, Podcaster, and Founder of Path to the Heart – which is a transformational system.

Monica has a wealth of knowledge and experience which she shares in this deeply impactful and insightful interview that is sure to leave you feel inspired, educated, and ready to make a positive change in your own life to take it to another level entirely.

Watch the video below right now, and subscribe for more videos about how to live your passion and make money doing what you love.

But I will warn you, be prepared to learn valuable information that is sure to move you to take action and give you an entirely new perspective of multiple aspects of your life that will take your breath away.

In this video you will learn:

  • What Are Akashic Records And How Do Akashic Records Work.
  • What Is Channelling And How Does Channelling Work.
  • How To Teach Blind People To Paint.
  • What Are Spirit Guides And How Do Spirit Guides Work.
  • What’s The Difference Between Your Guides And Higher Self.
  • How To Get Started Making Money With Art – How To Make Money As An Artist.
  • How To Get Clients For Spiritual Work – Get Paid For Spiritual Work.
  • What Is Reiki – What Does It Mean To Use Reiki And How Does It Work With Vortex And Chakras.
  • The Harsh Truth About Making Money Teaching Spirituality / How Hard Is It To Teach Spirituality.
  • What Does It REALLY Take To Be A Healer Because We’re Not All Golden Coins.
  • What Steps To Take To Make Money As An Artist Or Spiritual Healer.
  • How To Become A Best Selling Author.
  • How To Become A Spiritual Speaker.
  • How To Ask The Universe For Money | How To Get Money For Whatever You Want From The Universe.
  • What’s The Difference Between Spirituality And Intuition.
  • How To Make A Million Using Law Of Attraction – How To Become A Millionaire Using Law Of Attraction.
  • How To Attract The Right Clients For Your Business.
  • How To Eliminate Shadows FAST.
  • How To Create Your New Reality.
  • 3 Action Steps To Build A Passion Based Business – How To Turn Your Passion Into A Profession.
  • How Lower Consciousness Keeps You Stuck.
  • Why Are People Obsessed With Money – Why Are People Fascinated With Money.
  • How To Get Money And How To Keep Money.
  • How To Reprogram Your Money Mindset For Success And Happiness – Reprogram Your Money Mind Now.
  • What Is Synchronicity | How Does Synchronicity Work | Synchronicities Explained.
  • How To Stop Repeating Patterns | How To Stop Repeating Patterns Of Abuse | End Patterns Of Abuse.

So watch this video below now and subscribe and hit the bell icon so you never miss an episode.

You can connect with Monica here

As always, stay quirky and write soon.

Sandra xx

Top 3 Most Profitable Niches In KDP Publishing If You Want To Make Money With KDP

What to do and where to start with KDP if you’re a beginner? And how to make money with Amazon KDP publishing?

These are usually the 2 most frequently asked questions when it comes to publishing your books on Amazon KDP.

KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. It’s the part of Amazon where you upload your formatted book manuscript to turn it into an EBook for Kindle or the Kindle APP, and you can turn it into a paperback, in some case a hardback and audio book too.

Each different type of book requires different formatting. The Audio book requires narration.

But many people who start, or who want to start, don’t know which niches are going to be profitable.

When I stumbled across an Amazon expert and he revealed the top 3 niches that were the most profitable, I was amazed he actually did that, and felt such a relief, that finally I had something to work towards, rather than stumbling around in the dark for years, chasing my tail and going off on wild goose chases. And since then, to this day, from my research of other Amazon experts, I would say he is spot on.

So in the video below, I reveal to you in 15 secs, the top 3 most profitable niches in KDP publishing. Yes that’s right, in just 15 seconds, you are going to learn what most people search their whole lifetime for, when it comes to what are the most profitable KDP niches to publish in. So these 15 seconds will be some of the most valuable 15 seconds of your life and they will save you a whole lifetime of heartache and pain.

So there is no excuse for not watching this 15 second Top 3 Most Profitable Niches In KDP Publishing If You Want to Make Money video, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon for more #shorts videos about how to make money online with KDP, EBay, Vinted, Facebook Marketplace and so much more.

Once you have discovered those top 3 niches, you can then niche down further, to find more specific audiences for your books.

I started my own Amazon KDP journey in 2015, and love it. Writing is my life and soul purpose and I’m so happy now that I have a channel where I can share that happiness with you and help you on the road to your self-publishing dreams.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to get more help like this.

Stay quirky and as always, write soon.

Sandra xx

Your TEDx Talk Is Waiting… You’re Only One Step Away From Impacting Thousands Of Lives

Your TEDx Talk Is Waiting…

Someone right now is waiting to hear your TEDx Talk.

That person is waiting to have their life changed by your message, your story…

Your TEDx Talk is waiting for you to bring it to life, to secure, deliver, and leverage it.

The challenge is securing, delivering, and leveraging it, isn’t easy – which is why so many people struggle for years to land their own talk. Some NEVER achieve it, and they die with their message inside them…

Enter Corey Poirier (aka. That Speaker Guy).

Corey is not only a dear friend of mine, he is a multiple-time TEDx Speaker, bLU Talks Founder and Co-Author of the Wall Street Journal / USA Today Bestseller, Quitless. He has been featured in and/or seen on: NBC, ABC, Fox, TEDx, Entrepreneur on Fire, Entrepreneur Magazine, Second City, The CW and CBS.

And the best part, Corey is revealing some of his top secrets, that will show you how to land your own TEDx Talk in 2022, during his upcoming 3-Day Speaking Bootcamp here

To demonstrate how big of a deal this is, in 2019, every week, a student of his landed their branded talk and every three weeks a student landed their TEDx Talk. Now that’s results worth talking about.

If you’d like to learn how having your own TEDx Talk could change your life forever and the steps you need to take to secure your own TEDx Talk, check out the website for Corey’s bootcamp right now

I can say with confidence that Corey is not only a fantastic natural speaker, he is also a great guy. Super approachable, and the REAL deal. He walks his talk.

So if you’re tired of chasing speaking gigs, sales, clients, and opportunities, the right TEDx Talk has the ability to change this for you.

Oh, and during this bootcamp you’ll also learn how to create a signature talk from Dave Carroll (over 100 million people have heard his United Breaks Guitars Story), how to land a Wall Street Journal / USA Today Bestseller List with Alinka Rutkowska (Leaders Press), how attract your ideal client with Rosalyn Fung, how to create a bestselling Amazon launch with Kelly Falardeau, how to craft your talk using the Spider’s Method and the DIP method, and much more.

If you are an Author like me, do not miss this… I bought this Speaking Bootcamp myself, because I definitely want to know how to become a Wall Street Journal best seller and how to leverage my books to get more speaking gigs, and I am confident I will learn how to do this, with this 3 day event, and at only $97.00 Canadian, it’s an absolute steal, a no-brainer, to attend ALL 3 days of this game-changing virtual bootcamp.

Yes, that’s right, it’s virtual, so there are no accommodation costs and you can take part in the break out networking sessions in-between the main talks from the comfort of your own home. So if you want to increase your net worth, by increasing your network, this is an ideal opportunity for you do just that. The possibilities are endless…

This one is not to be missed and you can grab your spot right now at

How To Shift Your Mindset From Writer And Author To Your Own Book Publishing Business

Ever wanted to own your own Book Publishing Business but you keep doubting yourself that you can? Or maybe you have never considered it, because you always thought traditional publishing was the way to go … no, and in this post I reveal why, and how you can stop doubting yourself for good. If that sounds like something you want to know more about, read on…

From 2nd October 2020, I went through hell, with mental, physical, and emotional trauma. It took me a year to leave a day job (October 10th 2021 was the day I officially left), that made me really poorly because of things that went on which I wasn’t expecting and didn’t deserve, and I was off sick from for a long time (so been able to self-isolate a lot more than those who work and keep myself safer). I can’t currently discuss more about this publicly for legal reasons and might never be able to, but I think you get my point.

I went back to therapy for the first time since 2014, and was unofficially diagnosed with PTSD – I got an assessment score of 49. A score of 32 and above means you have the condition. Furthermore I was diagnosed with complex PTSD (CPTSD) as I have had uncontrollable emotions, and was crying almost every day I woke up, until 16th of December – when everything changed for the better, for good.

In November last year (2021), I went out clubbing for the first time ever since March 2020, for 5.5 hours, this was the first time since I broke my ankle back on 17th of April 2021 and I’ve done extensive physio to walk again and regain strength in that ankle enough to go clubbing. It was the longest I had clubbed for, since I went to Ministry Of Sound in London, in 2014. 2 days later I got sick with a respiratory/chest infection and lost my voice. I had to have 3 lots of antibiotics in 6 weeks and was still coughing on Christmas Day and on New Year’s Day I was battling with severe rib and chest pain – like someone had stabbed me with a knife in-between my ribs and left the knife in (even though they hadn’t), to the point where the next day it hurt me every time I breathed in (and felt like I was being cut with glass, on top of the feeling I had a knife in my ribs), and later I went to A&E on the advice of my local NHS Walk In Centre and Devon Doctors on call, who suggested a rib and chest XRay respectively. But instead of having an XRay I ended up in a Covid hot room, about to have a bed made up for me, a monitor hooked up to me, and blood tests taken, when I didn’t have Covid and all my tests for that had been negative. I was horrified! It was like something out of a surreal horror movie. They put my life at risk unnecessarily, because I had purposefully been keeping myself safe from getting it as I have a low immune system (which I take good liquid bacteria for) and too many allergies to have the vaccine. And there was a patient who was in the same room as me that I heard them diagnose with Covid right before the Doctor saw me, and I told them all my tests were negative for that – including the one I had done at 8am New Year’s Day, before visiting my parents and my guinea pig daughter Angel who lives with them. Their reasoning being I was in the hot room they said before the Doctor saw me, was because I had had a cough – I already told them I don’t think I coughed once that day, and the Doctor I saw before Christmas who said I had a chest infection, with some infection still in my lungs, said I would still be coughing after I finished the antibiotics she gave me and I had some rib pain then, just not as severe. They also said it was because many people have Covid and I am not vaccinated, which I felt were ridiculous reasons, just because lots of people have it and I am unvaccinated, doesn’t mean to say I would have it.

During the time I got sick (I got my first lot of antibiotics on 16th of November), I was forced to rest during that month as much as possible – although I did do some work on my Asexual Guide To Sex book, and take stock of my life, reflect on it, and what I really want to do with me life and make some drastic changes to it. For years I have had a voice in my head being a coach to myself that said, if you only just focused on writing books for the next 1-2 years and nothing else, what do you think your life would be like? And how much better it would be. But I was always crying, upset, and in pain from this, because I hadn’t made the decision to go all in before, I kept going off on tangents because people kept telling me I am not making enough money from my writing and I kept telling myself that. They told me I can’t make enough money from writing books, that basically it’s an add on to a business, not the business, and that I need to do something else to make money, because otherwise I will fail. And some of the people have years of business experience and made hundreds of thousands of pounds, one has even made billions, and published his own book. But… these people do not specialise in a book publishing business, they don’t focus on book publishing, they just use it as one asset in their tool box. For me, writing is my life and soul purpose, and my destiny given to me by God is to have lots of books out and publish by the time I die, so I can continue to save lives long after I am gone. I see that in my destiny and soul purpose (along with helping asexuals and getting asexuality recognised as a sexual orientation in it’s own right, so that no asexual has to live in fear of ridicule ever again. – That’s why I loooove writing books for asexuals. As it’s both my life and soul purpose in one).

As the beginning of December, I started working my way through the first 2 module of Ray Edwards – How To Set Up A Copywriting Business, video training course, that I bought on a late Black Friday deal. This course teaches you how to start a copywriting business and get clients. But… I only finished the first two modules, which apply to any writing business. That’s when it hit me twofold in the most profound way, and I love Ray for helping me figure this out.

  1. He said to, never be influenced by those who say you can’t do something, influence yourself enough to know you can. (This is because he was talking about copywriting is all about influencing others, but first you must be able to influence yourself – that’s it! The thing that changed the way I think.)
  2. Writing is a business and you can make thousands of pounds from it.

I didn’t need any more of that course, because that was enough to know I don’t want to work for someone else and write copy for others. I want to write more and more non-fiction books that change lives and leave a lasting legacy. And the 2 things I needed to do to accomplish that, is to influence myself enough to know I can make thousands of pounds and a full-time living as a writer. And to focus on book writing as a business.

I had a wobble…

Self-doubt crept back in…

But on 16th of December 2021 my best friend Andy took me for a meal in Nandos as an early Christmas present. (He also bought me some pressies too for Christmas Day.) Before we went out, we discussed my self-doubt and I was trying to understand why I didn’t fully believe in my intention, when I did the previous week. But then it hit me as I came out of the toilet in Nandos, what made the difference, so I was able to go all in… It was a mindset shift, from I am a Writer and Author, with my own publishing imprint of Quirky Books, which is fantastic, to I am the Writer, Author, Manager, Promoter, And Marketer, of my Book Publishing Business. But the most important thing to remember is Writer, Author, Owner, Manager, Promoter – (which involves far more self-promotion as part of a marketing strategy to sell more books), of my own Book Publishing Business of Quirky Books. And that’s when I decided to go all in and commit 100% to creating a successful book publishing business, rather just seeing myself as an Author and Writer.

I don’t think it’s the books that’s the problem – why I have lower sales than I would like, I think it’s me and my mindset that needs to change. I think I need to ensure that I promote myself and my books far more and get a lot more publicity going forward. Such as get on more podcasts, be in more online magazine articles, get more radio interviews, and so much more. Which I will be doing with my Asexual Guide To Sex book – so watch this space for that. I’m so excited! I think mindset is so overlooked when it comes to book sales, or lack thereof.

Last year I studied an expert in mindset shifting. He said instead of affirmations, you need to look for confirmations. Which is proof you can do it or have done it before. Which I am able to do with writing non-fiction books. I am a successful Author and writer who can make money from writing and publishing books, because I have consistent monthly income from once book since 2017, and another since 2019, even though I would like a much higher income from those, it’s still proof I can make consistent sales for years, when some people don’t make any sales at all. Also, a couple of years ago, a traditional publisher that had been in business for 35 years, found my Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book in an LGBT shop in London and approached me on Twitter to tell me they were interested in publishing my book under their publishing imprint, but…:

  • They wanted to remove half the stories (because the ones including any mention of sexual abuse, would not be suitable for their publishing style and image, and it would make the book cheaper to sell, and they had a maximum price they would sell the book for.) Bear in mind the book is called “Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories“, it would mean changing the title also, and my audience getting less valuable stories.
  • They also wanted all of my reviews I had built up myself over the years. (Now I am not sure if that would have been possible anyway, because if they removed some of the stories and the title changed, it would have in essence made it a different book, and I don’t think KDP would have allowed that.)
  • I would have to ask their permission to quote from my own book (no thank you). I sell a lot of my books by quoting from them – so if you haven’t already tried to do this, I highly recommend it.
  • They wanted me to read another book to replicate that person’s style (no thank you, I want to keep my own style).
  • I would have got a maximum of 12% commission on book sales, even after the representative from their company had just told me on the phone I would have got 15%, he then reduced that figure in the follow up email. (Which immediately made me trust them less.) I get up to 70% through publishing my books myself using KDP.
  • In the end they agreed with me not take that book on themselves as they spoke to their marketing team and said because I have so successfully published that book, they doubt they could meet my marketing expectations.
  • They refused to take on my Asexual Sex Guide To Sex book, which they wanted to consider, and I had to apply to them to consider, because again, it has some stories which include sexual abuse and they thought the content would be too risky, but told me their marketing team said there is a market for it, and it will definitely sell. I was very happy and grateful I had this positive feedback from a company with 35 experience.
  • They were interested in publishing my next 2 books, after Asexual Guide To Sex, and years ago it would be my Author/Writer dream to have a traditional company publisher my book, but now I want to build my own book publishing business and get my Quirky Books imprint portfolio increased. I have no desire to work for someone else, when I am so super successful at publishing my own style of books, in my own voice. Raw, real, authentic.

I just need to write more books and focus on having an actual book publishing business and stop going off on tangents with things that have nothing to do with writing, publishing, promoting and selling, more books, because people keep telling me you can’t earn a full-time living from writing books alone – which simply isn’t true, because others are doing it, so why can’t I? Remember what Ray Edwards said, he said to: never be influenced by those who say you can’t do something, influence yourself enough to know you can.

So after all of the heartache and pain, and everything I have been through over the last year and more, I am so happy to now be focusing on Quirky Books as a book publishing business and accelerating my Author journey to another level entirely, and feeling much happier now I have clarity and focus on exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life and beyond. God has given me the precious gift of writing and made it my mission to write books that change lives, from pain to gain, so I am going to fulfil my destiny. He also gave me the mission to help asexuals, so by doing both it’s my ultimate bliss and happy place. I am also on my way to creating my Children’s Book publishing dream too, with immense help from the Children’s Book Creator course and the support group which comes with it. I would highly recommend it, if you want to write, illustrate, and publish your own Children’s books yourself. Although I have been working my way through the video training course, I am focused on finished my Asexual Guide To Sex book as a priority. Read more about the Children’s Book Creator course here: Calling All Would-Be Children’s Book Writer’s, Authors and Publishers – How To Write And Publish Your Own Children’s Books And Save Yourself Hundreds Of Pounds and remember, don’t let yourself be influenced by those who say you can’t do something, influence yourself enough to know you can.

Until next time, embrace your quirky and write soon

Sandra xx

Calling All Would-Be Children’s Book Writer’s, Authors and Publishers – How To Write And Publish Your Own Children’s Books And Save Yourself Hundreds Of Pounds

Ever thought of writing and publishing your own children’s books, but you don’t know where to start? (I found something that can help you with that!)

Are you stuck for ideas for your children’s books? (No problem, I got you covered, or rather they have! No pun intended!)

Have you written a children’s picture book story but NOT been able to:

Get it “professionally” published because the “professional” publisher says it will be hard to get the foreign translation rights as it’s in rhyme! Especially if you are not an established Author; not famous, or at least not in the genre of writing kid’s books. (If you have had this problem, I have been there too, many times, and it’s like bashing your head against a brick wall, because you need to publish a children’s picture book, to gain the credibility to write and publish more, but no one is willing to give you a break. Meanwhile your beautiful story is kept hidden from the world and all those children are suffering from not being able to read your beautiful book and be inspired by the illustrations.)

Which brings me onto another point…you have NOT been able to:

Get the book illustrated. And although you’re great at writing, you suck at drawing and haven’t been able to afford to pay someone to illustrate your book. (I was personally given an estimate years ago that it would cost me at least £370 for a 32 page picture book to be illustrated, which when you haven’t made a single penny from a picture book yet and you may not even have an audience for, is pretty frightening. What if it doesn’t sell? What if you don’t like the illustrations? What if the illustrator let’s you down and doesn’t finish the job, or does it in such a way that it’s unpublishable? £370 down the toilet and your heart dropping to the floor with all that upset and pain…)

Which brings me onto my next point..

What if you do a collaboration with an illustrator, where they get to use your story for free to contribute to their university degree, in exchange for them doing the illustrations for you for free. Great idea right? If you are starting out with NO money at all, and you don’t want to spend any money out to begin with. What could go wrong with that? You are both getting something for free in monetary terms, but that is a huge investment of time, energy, and effort on both your parts, and can take hours, days, weeks, months of meetings, emails, communications, delays. I have been there, done that, and although perhaps I didn’t spend that much time on it, the process did go on for the years of his degree and I was let down badly after he graduated!!! You see, he got my story! He finished his degree! And it was because of my story, that enabled him (I shall not mention his name) to succeed so much in his degree, that he passed with flying honourary colours. But… he never finished the illustrations. He stopped replying to my messages about the illustrations, and I had to stop wasting my time on a person that clearly was not going to deliver what he verbally promised me he should deliver – all the illustrations for my book, which presumably he had to do for his degree anyway, I did see one of them in a meeting with him, but that was about it. It was after that I looked into the cost of paying someone else to do them and I felt it just wasn’t worth it, because of all the what ifs I mentioned. And after I had my trust broken so badly and been let down, it made me scared to trust anyone else again, and I also had another problem…)

Not knowing how to get the illustrations from drawings into the book itself.

Or how to create graphic illustrations suitable for this type of book in software.

How to format a children’s picture book to upload to Amazon Createspace at the time – which is now KDP publishing.

It was an absolute frigging nightmare. That didn’t stop…

So all the beauty, time, energy, effort, peace and happiness, and difficult re-writes of the book manuscript after “traditional professional publisher feedback” and feedback from my Freelance Writer’s membership FREE appraisal service at that time went nowhere, so it remained as a manuscript in an envelope sent to myself to copyright it. And a longing to get it into print one day… A longing I still have to this day, as it’s such an awesome book that I know kids will love and adore… Even though I’m now known for writing non-fiction books that change lives from pain to gain, for adults, and specialise in asexuality and still working hard to finish my Asexual Guide To Sex book which I started to write in June 2019 and still adding fresh content to.. life and ill health got in the way, but I am determined to get it finished and published.

I also wrote a second children’s picture book with a similar theme that I got feedback on from the FREE appraisal service with my Freelance Writer’s membership and then I started on my 3rd with the same theme as the first – I was building a series – but sadly they stopped the appraisal service and then I realised I am born to write non-fiction and turned my focus, time and attention onto that, and built an audience for my non-fiction books that change lives, and I would like to say, impacted the world in a huge way – with more still to come. BUT… I still want to publish my children’s picture books because I believe in sharing your stories with the world, rather than take them to the grave. I love to go to the cinema to kid’s club on self-dates. (I did that on Sunday.) I love watching kids movies. I love Disney and Pixar, and similar animated movies. The last film I watched Adams Family 2, and I loved the message at the end about we are supposed to be different and not like everyone else, so we should celebrate our differences within ourselves and know it’s okay to not fit in because we are different and that’s our beauty.

I am very different. I am like a business guy (even though I am female) and a quirky kid Disney Princess – you can even see me in my Ace Fibro Girl outfit at And even though I don’t want children of my own, I get on well with kids and treat them as little beings in their own right, as equals and not less than me. You could say I treat them as young adults, who have their own mind and are intelligent. We have fun talking about movies together, if I get the chance to take to kids. Or just get on well in general, as they often like to talk and have fun in life and so do I. One of my new housemates has kids. I live in a self-contained flat in a house. So I live on my own and have housemates— how quirky is that!!! I also live like a teenager and my bedroom is full of cuddly toys and sparkly things. I love it that way. I reprogrammed my mind to be like 21 years old using NLP (neuro-linguistic programming some years ago. And went to Disneyland Paris in 2017 for my 21st Mindset birthday.

Even after all these years. I still have the strongest desire to publish my children’s picture books. That feeling has never left me. It’s on my bucket list to do before I die… which I am not planning on doing at all at… But you never know when your last day will be, especially with Covid around. So that’s why I leapt at the chance to get the Children’s Book Creator course here, at only $147 it’s an absolute steal, (especially if your currency is ££££), with all of the video trainings you receive, all the support you get in the Facebook group, all the money it saves you by teaching you how to illustrate your books yourself, and all the time it saves you trying to figure out how to do this stuff on your own, why not get the new year off to a flying start by clicking here to get your own copy of the course right now.

This course will solve all of these problems for you:

  • Save you hundreds of pounds you would usually pay for similar courses, which might not even come close to the quality of this one.
  • It will show you how to write, illustrate, and publish, your very own Children’s Picture book. Saving you time, money, and wasted energy trying to figure all this stuff out on your own.
  • Nuria really knows her stuff and takes the headache out of illustrating your book yourself using free and mostly low cost software and graphics. Saving you hundreds of pounds you would pay an illustrator to illustrate your books for you. And once you have these skills, you have them for life.
  • The Facebook group you get with this course, is worth the cost of the course alone. Even before you start the course itself, the expert advice, help, and support, by other Authors/Writers, is priceless. With ongoing support and feedback by Nuria and other writing and publishing experts in the group, as well as those just starting out with you.
  • You get to live your dream as a Children’s Book Author, Illustrator, and publisher, and be able to have the opportunity to put a smile on a kid’s face and brighten their day. That’s priceless.

So if you have ever wanted to write, illustrate, and publish your own Children’s book, but don’t know where to start, get this course now, here don’t hesitate, we only live once and it’s a small investment for potentially huge returns. And you get to learn so much more about book publishing in general, including from the Facebook group alone, even before you start Nuria’s course – because this group is the one that comes with this course, not her free group, so these people in the group take writing seriously and are not just would-be writers. There are writers/authors in the group who make a full-time living from writing and who are experienced in publishing multiple types of books, such as journals and colouring books, not just picture books. They say your network is your net worth – so by expanding your online network with people who are successful at making money from publishing books and some who make a full-time living from it, it helps to shift your mindset to one of abundance and provides much more motivation to do the work and increases your chances of success at making a full-time living from writing and publishing books.

After all of the heartache and pain I’ve been through with not being able to publish my own picture books for years, and all the wasted time, energy, and effort I spent on that, and the yearning to still do that, coupled with everything I have been through over the last year with ill health (not Covid thankfully) and trauma resulting in CPTSD – more about this in the next post, I’m now at the stage where I’m focusing on my book publishing business and expanding my book offering to the world… but first finishing my Asexual Guide To Sex and promoting that for 3 months… and still got another book to write and publish for asexuals too this year. I wanted to let you know about the offer I came across, as it was too good to resist (Children’s Book Creator course), remember all the heartache and pain I told you about at the beginning of this post….

  • Not knowing where to start.
  • Not being able to get a traditional publisher to publish my book/s.
  • Illustrator letting me down and not delivering the illustrations.
  • £370 just for illustrating one picture book.
  • Not knowing how to get the illustrations from the drawings into the book itself.
  • Or how to create graphic illustrations suitable for this type of book.
  • Not knowing how to specifically upload a Children’s picture book to KDP and successfully publish it.
  • Potentially dying with my picture books inside me and taking them to the grave with me, and denying kids the opportunity to have their day brightened by me, and putting a smile on my face.

This course solves all of those problems and more, see screenshot below about – What You Will Accomplish At The End of this course, taken from my course dashboard inside my own private members area, so I highly recommend it, here is the link

From Nuria herself: “So many of us have always wanted to write a children’s book. It’s an incredible feeling when you are holding your printed book in your hands and read through the pages. And an even better feeling is knowing that, someone somewhere, is reading your book to a child! If you have ever thought about writing a children’s book but don’t know where to start, or if you already produce low content books on Amazon KDP, like planners, journals or activity books, then this is one step further for you to take your book publishing to a higher level. But this is not a course teaching you about the traditional way of publishing a book. This is an unconventional way of producing and self-publishing your book and may not be what you expect. This course is for anyone who wants to publish a book but hasn’t got a clear story in mind and who is very flexible about what kind of children’s book they are going to create. I will teach you how to choose your topic so that you have the best chances of selling your book. And we will use pre-made images and graphics, so you don’t have to use an illustrator. So book will be completely self-made and self-published, from start to finish.” So if you have ever wanted to know how to write, illustrate, and publish your own children’s books, get your copy of the Children’s Book Creator course now and save yourself hundreds of pounds it would cost you to pay an illustrator

On 16th of December 2021, and in the month leading up to it, I had a huge mindset shift (post to follow about that) and I’m determined not to let 2022 be like 2021. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again, expecting to get a different result, and I realised I have to change what I’m doing and go all in with my writing as a book publishing business, focusing solely on that and continuing to build my audiences for those books. Especially since quitting my full-time day job that made me severely poorly on October 10th 2021. Buying the Children’s Book Creator course, I believe, will take my writing and book publishing business to another level entirely.

So if you are fed up with where you at right now, and you don’t want a repeat of 2021, you need to do something different, or you will end up being on the hamster wheel of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again in 2021. And experiencing all of the pain that went with it.

You know one year from today, you will certainly arrive somewhere, the question is where?

If you want that to be a different destination than in the past, you are going to have to take a different path. If you want to get different results, you’re going to need to take different actions and learn new skills.

I believe everything happens for a reason, and it’s not an accident you’re here at this page, and this is the different path, the different action you need to take. Let’s get your Children’s book publishing business started, let’s get you writing and illustrating your own Children’s books, uploading them to KDP, and help you create true, passive, set and forget income, for life. I can’t wait to become part of your success journey and see you in the Children’s Book Creator course Facebook group. Click this (affiliate) link to get you copy of the Children’s Book Creator course, now! (I only recommend products I believe in and usually use myself – such as this one.) I can say with certainty, this is one of the best investments I ever made. I see other student’s, in real time, who have created their books and getting advice of other students on their masterpieces, by sharing some of their beautifully illustrated book pages they have created, their results are amazing! I am so happy I bought the course. I would encourage you not to hesitate in getting the course yourself. The accompanying Facebook group is very active and supportive and is worth the price of the course alone. Not to mention all the time and money this course is going to save you, especially in the long-term. Get your copy now, here

How To Change Your Mindset And Make It Stick, So You Stop Self-sabotaging And Have More Success In Your life And Business Faster! See results in 31 days or less. Without spending thousands of pounds on courses or coaching that don’t work? Crazy Limited Time Deal for [Entrepreneurs, Authors, Trainers  Speakers, Coaches, Consultants and Creatives!]

How To Change Your Mindset And Make It Stick, So You Stop Self-Sabotaging, Stop Procrastinating, Be More Productive, And See More Success In Your Life And Business, Faster!(Without Hiring An Expensive Coach, Spending Thousands Of Pounds On Premium Training Courses And Workshops, Spending Time Away From Loved Ones At An Expensive Retreat, Or Going Through Years Of Therapy!)

Start Seeing Results In As Little As 31 Days Or Less. If You Do Everything In The MindSelf Journal, Each And Every Day, And Don’t Skip Anything. Or You Get Your Money Back.

I thought I had my shit together, but my life fell apart…

“Let me tell you a quick story…”

I’d been on benefits and out of employed work for 3 years after being made redundant. I felt trapped in a benefits system that was financially unsustainable. I was about to start my dream employed job, or so I thought…I was nervous, scared, and apprehensive, about leaving a benefits system that had been my life support for 3 years. I thought this new dream ’employed’ job would be my ticket to financial freedom, as the pay was great and I would never have to worry about money ever again. I was set for life, or so I thought…

“Up until that point…”

She needed insulin or she would die!
“Then something happened that changed my life forever…”

I gave up what they call ‘legacy’ benefits in the UK, which I could never get again, to start my new employed dream job. Which scared the shit out of me because I had nothing to fall back onto if the job didn’t work out.Although these benefits weren’t sustainable, as my savings to make up the shortfall were rapidly decreasing, I felt a degree of security and comfort of this safety blanket that had been my lifeline for the last 3 years. But I was confident that I could do this job, as I had worked in a similar role before. So was looking forward to getting started.

“At the time, I had no idea the impact this would have. The problem was…”

On my first day of work I met my new employee. But as soon as we were alone she said she wouldn’t abide by any rules she didn’t like. Alarm bells were ringing throughout my entire body.This was a HUGE red flag.Something wasn’t right… there was an eerie feeling to this and I didn’t like it one bit.I raised the point with my manager but he backed up her point by saying there are no rules! And later reiterated this to me in front of her.Something strange was going on… but I had already left legacy benefits and felt compelled to stay in my new role, even though I knew something was off and wasn’t right.It wasn’t easy finding a job I could do with my disability, and if the job centre classed me as gainfully self-employed, despite my part-time income going out in expenses, so I couldn’t take a wage, I wouldn’t be able to get any benefits for food or rent.Going back to live with my parents wasn’t option, so I could end up homeless, starving, and on the streets!

I didn’t want to end up homeless, starving, and on the streets! 

“Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse…”

But it didn’t stop there… I was in shock and disbelief!

“I was on a downward slide because…”

“Needless to say, I felt like…”

“Lockdown happened. I raised a grievance, but what happened next was devastating...”

“That’s when I truly hit rock bottom…”

This is important…”

“This meant…”

“That’s when I decided…”

“Then, something happened that changed everything…”


“I realised 4 major things…”

  1. Self-doubt: It was majorly debilitating, like constant chronic pain. I didn’t realise I had it so bad.
  2. Fear: I had allowed this to take over me and become irrational in the process.
  3. Attachment: To a job that no longer served me. 
  4. State: I would wake up almost every morning back to square one. I call this the seesaw effect. So I managed to tap into all of my learnings and put myself in a positive state by the end of each day, but the next day I was worried sick and crying again whenever I woke up.

As I searched for answers, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I had a revelation…”

Something a mindset coach said. He talked about state and how many people attend personal development courses, training, workshops and seminars, but the changes they make at these events, rarely stick. This is because they are put in a change of state at that time. But when the event is over, they get out of that change of state and go back to their old state and way of being.

He went onto explaining how we have 3 parts to our brain:

The conscious. 

The subconscious.

The super-conscious. 

It’s the super-conscious part of our brain that we need to change. This is where patterns of behaviour from childhood and conditioning from the ages of 0-7 years usually takes place, and if we want to rewire our brain for success and happiness, we need to rewire this part of our brain, and this is done through repetition of the right things – which is why I created my revolutionary ©MindSelf E-Journal, to do just that.

“When I made this discovery, it was my biggest aha moment, and everything just fell into place…”

I thought back to all the past life-changing events that I ever went to. When I saw people live on stage, such as Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard and Andy Harrington. They all put the audience into a peak emotional state, but when the event was over, many of those people got out of that state, they stopped doing the things they learnt, and went back to their ‘normal’ lives, and their old brain habits and patterns which no longer served them. It wasn’t enough to consume their content at the time, in order to make these new changes to their lives stick, they would need to be in a permanently new state of being. Where the new habits and patterns of behaviour, would thrive and flourish.

Andy Harrington and Sandra Bellamy at his Stand and Deliver Speaker Training, getting Andy’s Passion Into Profit book signed.

That was the spark / the kick in the tail I needed.

I was scared but optimistic.

I knew I was on the right path. 

“Here’s what happened next…”

“Then one day I looked up and realised I could now…”

“I was forever changed by the fact that…”

And now I can help others do the same.

“I now felt like a new person…”

My revolutionary ©MindSelf Journal can do the same for you.

“And that’s why I knew I couldn’t stop there. I realised…”

I needed to make this journal available to as many people as possible and not keep this to myself a moment longer, so you can discover how to do what I have done and make it even easier for you to follow in my footsteps and rewire your brain for success and happiness, and make it stick.

This revolutionary ©MindSelf Journal is a premium E-TOOL that will enable you to:

  • Stop procrastinating, enables you to boost your productivity and get more shit done faster, so you can achieve quicker results. 
  • Stop that constant seesaw of emotions, that’s like a rope around your neck and constantly weighing you down. So you can be more stable and self-assured and move forward faster. 
  • Permanently rewire your brain for success and happiness on a deeper super-conscious level through a variety of written, physical, and mental exercises, affirmations, and planners. So you stop wasting your time and money, over and over again, going to training courses, seminars, and workshops, that you pay hundreds or thousands of pounds for, but fail to leave you with lasting change. 

Just imagine how that will feel?

“Now I am…”

Focusing on creating TOOLS people can use to do what was previously “impossible”. 

“This makes me feel…”

I have a new lease of life, there’s so much more for me to do… I’m just getting started!

“Now I’m able to help…”

Entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, affiliate marketers, coaches, mentors, speakers, authors, trainers, creatives; people just like you, go from dead stuck, with negative emotions spiralling out of control and ruining your life, to raising your vibration in multiple aspects of your life, and making those vibrations stick, so that success becomes inevitable.

Right now, I am offering you the best tool I have created to date, the ©MindSelf Journal.

  • At a fraction of the cost of what I should be charging and will be charging for this in the future, at a crazy no-brainer, super-special, initial early bird promotional launch price of just $25, yes you did read right, for just $25 this ©MindSelf Journal will change your life, or your money back. It’s a *549 page premium E-Journal that you can download instantly from your own private members area on Asexualise Academy Club, print off, and start using it right away.
  • Your ©MindSelf Journal is undated inside, so you can start your ©MindSelf Journal part way though a month and not waste any pages. Then continue the next month with a new downloaded version, as soon as that one has finished.
  • This incredible and revolutionary monthly ©MindSelf Journal, has all of the affirmations, mind-rewiring exercises, productivity and clarification planners, you will ever need for success and happiness.

“What I’d like you to take away from all this is…”

So click the button below now, to get your ©MindSelf E-Journal, so you can start using it instantly and create long-lasting, impactful change in your life, for the better forever.

Unless you get your mindset to work in your favour, no amount of skills, life experience and work experience, will stop you from self-sabotaging and becoming your own work enemy in pursuit of your dreams. If you want to become your best self to achieve your dreams, you have to work on your mind, because that’s the key to your success. 

Your mindset affects your self-worth, your business, your income, your relationships, and your day-to-day activities and life. I’m on a mission to help people consciously create the life of their dreams by working on their mindset. This starts with rewiring your brain for success, by getting rid of bad habits and negative thought patterns and behaviours, and replacing them with some new, positive, and healthy ones. 

This revolutionary life-changing ©MindSelf E-Journal, is a tool designed to rewire your brain for success and happiness, in multiple aspects of your life and business. It will help you gain clarity, be more organised, increase your positivity and productivity, so you can feel more happier and successful, within your mind and self. MindSelf.

Through daily repetition of new and better habits; where you focus on an abundance of things you do have to be grateful for; positive affirmations to boost your self-worth, self-esteem, and ultimately your joy, happiness, and increase your productivity, and ultimately your bank balance, and to help you to have healthier and happier relationships with the ones you love.

Each day has a different inspirational quote and question for your soul, to enable you to self-love more, to self-reflect, to become more self-aware, and to grow your self. The more you become self-aware, the more you can consciously create the life of your dreams by becoming more an observer of your, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and why you do the things you do. You can’t fix what you don’t know or understand.

This MindSelf Journal has 31 days of content, but the pages have purposefully got space for you to add your own day and date to each one, where applicable, in case you start using your journal part way though the month, so as not to waste any pages. This is especially true for your daily inspirational quotes and questions for your soul and your Daily Planner. Also, your Weekly Planner, which is available for days 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, purposefully has space for you to write the name of the days in, so you can start your week at whatever day is convenient to you. Your planners help plan and utilise your day, without wasting any time.

There are also 70 extra pages where you can add additional answers to the inspirational quotes and questions, which vary every day from month-to-month; you can create your own happy list and positive affirmations, you can share whatever is on your mind to free it up, and write more creative ideas that spring to mind, and plan your day out in even more detail.

Each day of the week has:


List 7 things you are grateful for as soon as you wake up. To get you into the habit of having an abundance mindset, and to foster positivity as soon as you wake up. 

This helps rewire your brain from negative to positive.


Positive affirmations for eliminating self-doubt, and fostering trust within yourself. If you doubt yourself, you will procrastinate, not take enough action, and second-guess everything you do, leading to self-sabotage, which holds you back from making any real progress in your life and business, leading you to longing for something more, but not knowing how to obtain it. 

Use these specific Law Of Attraction affirmations to rewire your brain for self–belief, self-trust, and to help you to make decisions more confidently and decisively, so you can move forward faster and make more progress quicker in your life and business.


Positive affirmations to boost your self-image and bask in your sexy power and awesomeness of the individual contours of your body, that make up unique you. 

You may have found it hard to look at yourself naked in the mirror, but right now, that’s all about to change for the better, forever. 

If you feel more confident in your own body and skin, that will naturally radiant throughout your whole being and more and more people will be attracted to you like a magnet. When you start finding yourself more and more attractive, you instantly become more attractive to others. Because your value goes up in your own mind, so too, does it in other’s minds.


Positive affirmations to boost your productivity. 

The power of the Law Of Action. 

It’s great to have a dream, but without taking any action, that dream is unlikely to become a reality. 

Fears and procrastination can hold you back from what you truly want in your life. 

So it’s essential you get into the right mindset for productivity. The more you take action, the more momentum builds and the more confident you become, so the more action you will take. 

These specific Law Of Action affirmations are designed to rewire your brain to think and feel more positively about getting things done, so they become more of a pleasure than a chore. 

This increases your productivity, so you can move forward more confidently in your life and make more progress to get s*it done faster, more efficiently, more effectively and more effortlessly. 

(I call these the 3 E’s.)


Wealth affirmations. You might have been taught negative connotations in regard to making money, such as money is the root of all evil, money doesn’t grow on trees, or it’s greedy to want too much money. These negative connotations when reiterated over and over again, stop you from forming a healthy relationship with money and hold you back from charging your worth, and often prevent you from getting the money you truly desire and seek.

These affirmations, some of which are taken from T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive live event training for rewiring and mastering your mind in regard to money, which I have been to – will rewire your brain for thinking more positively about money, for increasing your own value in regard to your worthiness in obtaining it, and increasing the value you give to others in your own eyes. 

If you are able to consistently believe and feel, that the value you give to others is always worth far more than what you charge, because the transformation you enable them to have is priceless, it will give you increased confidence to value your own worth more highly and take ownership of your financial success.


These Law Of Attraction self-love affirmations are essential for increasing your own value and self-worth, and for attracting and receiving loving relationships into your life. 

If you’re feeling good about yourself and that people are loving you and wanting to talk to you and be in your company, this will not only help you in your personal relationships with loved ones, family and friends, but also in attracting the right people for your business and to help make you wealthy. 

Say these affirmations with your hand on your heart in front of a mirror and feel the power of an abundance of love flowing deep within your soul, and throughout every cell in your body. Now close your eyes. It’s like bathing in a sea of love. Extremely powerful.


Every day you will list 12 things you love about yourself. This will increase your self-value and self-worth. 

The more you love yourself, the more you will feel better in your own company, the more you will be happy and at peace with who you are; stable, strong, and secure within your own soul. 

The more you find things to love about yourself, the more attractive you will feel and the more confidence you will create within you. The more attractive and confident you feel in your inner world, the more you become attractive to others, because you attract what you are. That’s the power of Law Of Attraction.


Trusting your own intuition is essential for living your own life purpose and designing a life that you adore. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the noise of other’s lives and what they deem is the best and right thing for you to do with yours. 

But once you start tapping into your own intuition and allow yourself to trust it and for it to lead your life, instead of having other’s push their own agenda’s on your life and try to lead your life for you, you can see the magic and wonder unfold, as you develop a strong sense of inner knowing and guidance, that everything is always working out for you in divine timing, and begin to say no to others, to get the happiness you truly deserve, love, and crave.


One way of hearing your intuition more and more and tapping into your personal power, is to ask yourself; what is your intuition telling you right now? 

This page is designed to ask you this question on a daily basis so you can tap into your soul energy and ask it what to do next. 

This will develop a greater sense of true self-worth and self-reliance within you, so you make better decisions on how to live your best life, which is in keeping with your soul values and what matter most to you. 

Tapping into your intuition will enable you to get out of your comfort zone, push through your fears and boundaries, and achieve things before, which you never thought possible. It will help you to believe in your own abilities to work things out and to rise to unforeseen challenges along the way to living the life of your dreams.


Happiness is an internal job.

It’s important you create your own happiness in your life and don’t rely on other people for it; otherwise you give away your personal power. 

Every day this page is designed to get you to focus on what makes you happy. 

Being happy and staying happy is like a muscle you need to exercise daily, by incorporating as many things as possible that make you happy into each and every day of your life, it will help you to feel good and better for longer and help you to increase your value and self-worth. It will give you the energy and willpower to do more and live life to the fullest. So you will procrastinate less and get more s*it done as a result, which will make you feel better about yourself as you increase your life satisfaction and fulfilment.


If you’ve read World Leading High Performance Coach Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits book on how to create an extraordinary life, you will know that without clarity, you will be directionless, procrastinate, and feel stuck and unfilled in life.

Brendon says:

“Clarity on who you are is associated with overall self-esteem. This means that how positive you feel about yourself, is tied to how well you know yourself. On the flip side a lack of clarity is strongly associated with neuroticism and negative emotions. That’s why self-awareness is so key to initial success. You have to know who you are, what you value… and where you want to go. This kind of knowledge makes you feel better about yourself and life… Studies show that having a specific plan attached to your goals – knowing when and where you will do something – can more than double the likelihood of achieving a challenging goal.”

This is what page K is for, so you can get crystal clear on what your intention is for each and every day, and what you want to achieve. Having intention, creates purpose and direction, which gives meaning to your day, and creates drive and ambition to see a project or task through to completion.


Keeps you on track and crystal clear on what you want to do for the next day, so you are already prepared for it, and have offloaded any pending to-dos, so you can sleep more soundly at night, by having a greater sense of direction, control over your life and business, and inner peace knowing this.

Both the weekly and daily planners double the likelihood of achieving your goals faster, with clarity of intention, and a specific plan attached to your goals.


Is where you reflect on your day and get chance to celebrate your own successes, however big or small. 

Self-recognition of your achievements is vital for your health and wellbeing. 

By taking notice of your accomplishments, you value your own worth more, by making yourself seen and heard more by your self. Which increases self-appreciation and self-satisfaction. It helps you to self-love more, by realising all of the skills, experiences, and special qualities you have, that enable you to achieve all that you do. 

When you celebrate how far you have come and what you have achieved, this creates a work and reward set up in your brain, so when you have achieved something and taken notice of that, it empowers you to keep moving forward in your life and have greater successes.

PAGES 1-31

Each day for 31 days, (or however many days there are in that month) you have an inspirational quote and question for your soul. 

This inspirational quote and question changes every month, and is designed to:

  • Bring greater self-awareness, to give you more personal power.
  • Help make your life happier, brighter, and feel good!
  • Help you reflect on yourself and your life, to understand yourself better.
  • Give you personal insights.
  • Help you become a better version of yourself.
  • Help you to feel inspired, motivated, and enlightened each and every day, without having to waste time scrolling through Facebook or other social media, to get your daily does of inspiration, then going off on tangents so you get nothing done.
  • Foster positive emotions on a daily basis.
  • Activate a more positive mindset, daily.
  • Encourage new and better habits, so you can live the life of your dreams.


Why is it so inexpensive? 

  • I’m doing this $25 deal, so I can help as many people like you as possible. 
  • Because I don’t want what happened to me, to happened to you. 
  • Just when I thought I had my shit together, my life fell apart. Don’t take the same mistake I did.
  • If this is your first time shopping with me, then I want to make it as easy as possible for you to say yes, because I know how life-changing this will be for you. 

It would be great to get some case studies too, so after you have done the work in the ©MindSelf Journal, if you want your case study and business to featured on the sales page for the MindSelf Journal, just shoot me a message, titled “I want my MindSelf case study to be featured” to I reserve the right to choose whether to feature yours or not, subject to space limit and content.

Got any questions? Email me at with the subject line “MindSelf Journal questions.”

“40 Day money back guarantee…”

And I am currently throwing in a 40 day money back guarantee. 

So if you have followed all of the instructions in the ©MindSelf Journal, done everything every day for 31 days straight, and if for some reason you are not entirely satisfied and you don’t feel more productive and happier as a result. Then just shoot me a message to with the title “MindSelf Journal I want my money back” with photographic or video proof of you having done the work, then I will refund your money back in full. You will lose access to your private members area on our ©MindSelf Journal Club membership site, and you won’t be able to download any more copies of the journal or bonus. But you still get to keep this life-changing MindSelf Journal you already downloaded, and the bonus that comes with it, as my way of saying thanks for trying it. 

Don’t delay, hit the button below now, and change your life today, so you can:

  • Stop self-sabotaging and stop self-doubting.
  • Stop procrastinating.
  • Boost your productivity.
  • Be open to new and better opportunities.
  • Feel better about yourself and your life.
  • Boost your confidence.
  • Increase your self-esteem.
  • Feel better about your body.
  • Have more clarity, to make more informed and better decisions.
  • Stop that constant, nagging seesaw of emotions, that’s like a rope around your neck and constantly weighing you down.
  • Permanently, make these changes stick.

If you’re fed up with being on a hamster wheel of unstable emotions, insecurity, self-doubt, under-confidence and instability, and you’re ready to move your life forward and get out of this rut for good, invest in yourself and lock in your special monthly MindSelf Journal membership now, so you can stop feeling bad and start feeling good. I know you can do this, I’m rooting for you! And I’m with you! You got this! Click the button below to get your ©Mindset Journal right now. Remember, you can get your money back, as you are backed by my 40 day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click the button below to get your ©Mindset Journal right now. 

If you’re a Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Solopreneur, Coach, Author, Consultant, Speaker, Mentor, Trainer, or Creative, you’re going to want to pay attention to this.

If you’ve ever wanted to master your mind and yourself, to stop procrastinating and take control of your day, instead of your day controlling you, this is for you.

If you’ve ever been to a Tony Robbins event, or other event, where you felt you made immense progress and changed your mind, only for it to go back to bad habits a short time after you returned home, this is for you.

If you dont think you’ll ever stop letting negative emotions from ruling your life and you feel powerless that things will never change, your mind is constantly in a negative spiral and you can’t seem to get s*it done, and you feel life is more s*itty than good, this is definitely for you.

If you’ve hit rock bottom, I understand you. No one tells you when you start running your own business of all the anxeity, stress, worry, and strain, that can induce, but it’s your dream, so you carry on regardless, not realising that your mind was not conditioned for this life, so you came unprepared.

I Never Expected This To Happen…

I have a confession to make, on December 22nd 2020, I was sat in my bedroom, planning how to hang myself to end my life. It’s something I never thought would ever happen, because I freed myself of depression in 2012, and thought I would never go back to my suicidal mindset ever again. But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Because before I never planned it in such great detail for it to actually be easy to make it happen. All that was stopping me was my mind. I know that if I am determined enough to do something eventually I will do it no matter what, and this is what is the most scariest part of all. The fact that in a flash I could end everything, the pain, the shock, the downward spiral and then it would all be over and I could rest in peace. I wouldn’t have to fight life any more, I could just go and no one would even notice, in my flat alone. All that would be required is a piece of rope and for me to kick the stool out from underneath me, then it would be done and the suffering would be gone. The feeling and temptation was instense. The only thing I could do, was to journal my way out of it. So that’s what I did. A journal saved my life. 

I couldn’t believe that after 8 years of being depression free, in October, something shocking happened which I didn’t see coming and lead me to becoming stuck and going backwards from all the good work I had done, with my mind and my life. I was confused and didn’t undertand how this could be. I became once again like the former version of me. and I didn’t what was going on or what happened to me, but I felt trapped and backed into a corner with no way out. I knew I had to be solution focused instead of problem focused, but that was easier said than done when I couldn’t see any immedietely solution but my basic needs under threat. Things continued to get worse, until well, you know…

That Was The A-ha moment Which Changed Everything!

So I was searching for months for answers to how this could be, and it seemed I hadn’t reprogrammed my brain on the super-conscious level, and that the events I had previously attended had put me in a state at the time, which once home, you get out of, and meant it was possible to slip back into bad patterns of negative thinking and habits that no longer serve you. I discovered about how to reprogram the super-conscious mind and change your identity to the upgraded version of you, where you feel more positive, get s*hit done faster, make better choices and decisions, gain more clarity, stop procrastinating and super charge your best self. (I am still learning more about this.) But in order to make what I learned stick I needed to create a tool, that would encompass all of the necessities for maintaining and sustaining this new found identity, including keeping me in a positive state, and so I could cement it through repetition. Which is how new habits are formed and stick, through consitent repetition. And so ©MindSelf E-Journal was born, and I have an exclusive early bird offer for you.

Your mindset affects your self-worth, your business, your income, your relationships, and your day-to-day activities and life. I’m on a mission to help people consciously create the life of their dreams by working on their mindset. This starts with rewiring your brain for success, by getting rid of bad habits and negative thought patterns and behaviours, and replacing them with some new, positive, and healthy ones.

Through daily repetition of new and better habits; where you focus on an abundance of things you do have to be grateful for; positive affirmations to boost your self-worth, self-esteem, and ultimately your joy, happiness, and increase your productivity, and ultimately your bank balance, and to help you to have healthier and happier relationships with the ones you love.

Unless you get your mindset to work in your favour, no amount of skills, life experience and work experience, will stop you from self-sabotaging and becoming your own work enemy in pursuit of your dreams. If you want to become your best self to achieve your dreams, you have to work on your mind, because that’s the key to your success.

Each day has a different inspirational quote and question for your soul, to enable you to self-love more, to self-reflect, to become more self-aware, and to grow your self. The more you become self-aware, the more you can consciously create the life of your dreams by becoming more an observer of your, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and why you do the things you do. You can’t fix what you don’t know or understand.

Weekly and daily planners to help you to get sh*t done faster and more efficiently, increasing your productivity.

This journal will enable you to have your best mind and be your best self. MindSelf.

Revolutionary, Life-Changing, ©MindSelf Journal.

Mental health is mental wealth. This revolutionary life-changing ©MindSelf E-Journal, is a tool designed to rewire your brain for success and happiness, in multiple aspects of your life and business. It will help you gain clarity, be more organised, increase your positivity and productivity, so you can feel more happier and successful, within your mind and self. MindSelf.

This ©MindSelf Journal has 31 days of content, but the pages have purposefully got space for you to add your own day and date to each one, where applicable, in case you start using your journal part way though the month, so as not to waste any pages. This is especially true for your daily inspirational quotes and questions for your soul and your Daily Planner. Also, your Weekly Planner, which is available for days 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, purposefully has space for you to write the name of the days in, so you can start your week at whatever day is convenient to you. Your planners help plan and utilise your day, without wasting any time.

There are also 70 extra pages where you can add additional answers to the inspirational quotes and questions, which vary every day from month-to-month; you can create your own happy list and positive affirmations, and write more creative ideas that spring to mind and plan your day out in more detail.

With your monthly ©MindSelf Journal Membership you will receive a new journal for every month of the year that you stay a paying member, by the 1st of the month. Any updates to the journal you will receive as well.

Each day of the week has:

Page A: List 7 things you are grateful for as soon as you wake up. To get you into the habit of having an abundance mindset, and to foster positivity as soon as you wake up. 

  • This helps rewire your brain from negative to positive.

Page B: Positive affirmations for eliminating self-doubt, and fostering trust within yourself. 

  • If you doubt yourself, you will procrastinate, not take enough action, and second-guess everything you do, leading to self-sabotage, which holds you back from making any real progress in your life and business, leading you to longing for something more, but not knowing how to obtain it.
  • Use these specific Law Of Attraction affirmations to rewire your brain for self–belief, self-trust, and to help you to make decisions more confidently and decisively, so you can move forward faster and make more progress quicker in your life and business.

Page C: Positive affirmations to boost your self-image and bask in your sexy power and awesomeness of the individual contours of your body, that make up unique you. 

  • You may have found it hard to look at yourself naked in the mirror, but right now, that’s all about to change for the better, forever.
  • If you feel more confident in your own body and skin, that will naturally radiant throughout your whole being and more and more people will be attracted to you like a magnet.
  • When you start finding yourself more and more attractive, you instantly become more attractive to others. Because your value goes up in your own mind, so too, does it in other’s minds.

Page D: Positive affirmations to boost your productivity. 

  • The power of the Law Of Action.
  • It’s great to have a dream, but without taking any action, that dream is unlikely to become a reality.
  • Fears and procrastination can hold you back from what you truly want in your life. So it’s essential you get into the right mindset for productivity.
  • The more you take action, the more momentum builds and the more confident you become, so the more action you will take.
  • These specific Law Of Action affirmations are designed to rewire your brain to think and feel more positively about getting things done, so they become more of a pleasure than a chore.
  • This increases your productivity, so you can move forward more confidently in your life and make more progress to get s*it done faster, more efficiently, more effectively and more effortlessly.
  • (I call these the 3 E’s.)

Page E: Wealth affirmations. 

  • You might have been taught negative connotations in regard to making money, such as money is the root of all evil, money doesn’t grow on trees, or it’s greedy to want too much money.
  • These negative connotations when reiterated over and over again, stop you from forming a healthy relationship with money and hold you back from charging your worth, and often prevent you from getting the money you truly desire and seek.
  • These affirmations, some of which are taken from T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive live event training for rewiring and mastering your mind in regard to money, which I have been to – will rewire your brain for thinking more positively about money, for increasing your own value in regard to your worthiness in obtaining it, and increasing the value you give to others in your own eyes.
  • If you are able to consistently believe and feel, that the value you give to others is always worth far more than what you charge, because the transformation you enable them to have is priceless, it will give you increased confidence to value your own worth more highly and take ownership of your financial success.

Page F: These Law Of Attraction self-love affirmations are essential for increasing your own value and self-worth, and for attracting and receiving loving relationships into your life. 

  • If you’re feeling good about yourself and that people are loving you and wanting to talk to you and be in your company, this will not only help you in your personal relationships with loved ones, family and friends, but also in attracting the right people for your business and to help make you wealthy.

Page G: Every day you will list 12 things you love about yourself. 

  • This will increase your self-value and self-worth.
  • The more you love yourself, the more you will feel better in your own company, the more you will be happy and at peace with who you are; stable, strong, and secure within your own soul.
  • The more you find things to love about yourself, the more attractive you will feel and the more confidence you will create within you.
  • The more attractive and confident you feel in your inner world, the more you become attractive to others, because you attract what you are.
  • That’s the power of Law Of Attraction.

Page H: Trusting your own intuition is essential for living your own life purpose and designing a life that you adore. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the noise of other’s lives and what they deem is the best and right thing for you to do with yours. 

  • But once you start tapping into your own intuition and allow yourself to trust it and for it to lead your life, instead of having other’s push their own agenda’s on your life and try to lead your life for you, you can see the magic and wonder unfold, as you develop a strong sense of inner knowing and guidance, that everything is always working out for you in divine timing, and begin to say no to others, to get the happiness you truly deserve, love, and crave.

Page I: One way of hearing your intuition more and more and tapping into your personal power, is to ask yourself; what is your intuition telling you right now? 

  • This page is designed to ask you this question on a daily basis so you can tap into your soul energy and ask it what to do next.
  • This will develop a greater sense of true self-worth and self-reliance within you, so you make better decisions on how to live your best life, which is in keeping with your soul values and what matter most to you.
  • Tapping into your intuition will enable you to get out of your comfort zone, push through your fears and boundaries, and achieve things before, which you never thought possible.
  • It will help you to believe in your own abilities to work things out and to rise to unforeseen challenges along the way to living the life of your dreams.

Page J: Happiness is an internal job. 

It’s important you create your own happiness in your life and don’t rely on other people for it; otherwise you give away your personal power. 

  • Every day this page is designed to get you to focus on what makes you happy.
  • Being happy and staying happy is like a muscle you need to exercise daily, by incorporating as many things as possible that make you happy into each and every day of your life, it will help you to feel good and better for longer and help you to increase your value and self-worth.
  • It will give you the energy and willpower to do more and live life to the fullest.
  • So you will procrastinate less and get more s*it done as a result, which will make you feel better about yourself as you increase your life satisfaction and fulfilment.

Page K: If you’ve read World Leading High Performance Coach Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits book on how to crate an extraordinary life, you will know that without clarity, you will be directionless, procrastinate, and feel stuck and unfilled in life.

Brendon says:

“Clarity on who you are is associated with overall self-esteem. This means that how positive you feel about yourself, is tied to how well you know yourself. On the flip side a lack of clarity is strongly associated with neuroticism and negative emotions. That’s why self-awareness is so key to initial success. You have to know who you are, what you value… and where you want to go. This kind of knowledge makes you feel better about yourself and life… Studies show that having a specific plan attached to your goals – knowing when and where you will do something – can more than double the likelihood of achieving a challenging goal.”

  • This is what page K is for, so you can get crystal clear on what your intention is for each and every day, and what you want to achieve.
  • Having intention, creates purpose and direction, which gives meaning to your day, and creates drive and ambition to see a project or task through to completion.

Page M: Keeps you on track and crystal clear on what you want to do for the next day, so you are already prepared for it, and have offloaded any pending to-dos, so you can sleep more soundly at night, by having a greater sense of direction, control over your life and business, and inner peace knowing this.

  • Both the weekly and daily planners double the likelihood of achieving your goals faster, with clarity of intention, and a specific plan attached to your goals.

Page L: Is where you reflect on your day and get chance to celebrate your own successes, however big or small. Self-recognition of your achievements is vital for your health and wellbeing. 

  • By taking notice of your accomplishments, you value your own worth more, by making yourself seen and heard more by your self.
  • Which increases self-appreciation and self-satisfaction.
  • It helps you to self-love more, by realising all of the skills, experiences, and special qualities you have, that enable you to achieve all that you do.
  • When you celebrate how far you have come and what you have achieved, this creates a work and reward set up in your brain, so when you have achieved something and taken notice of that, it empowers you to keep moving forward in your life and have greater successes.

Pages 1-31. Each day for 31 days, (or however many days there are in that month) you have an inspirational quote and question for your soul. This inspirational quote and question changes every month, and is designed to: 

  • Bring greater self-awareness, to give you more personal power.
  • Help make your life happier, brighter, and feel good!
  • Help you reflect on yourself and your life, to understand yourself better.
  • Give you personal insights.
  • Help you become a better version of yourself.
  • Help you to feel inspired, motivated, and enlightened each and every day, without having to waste time scrolling through Facebook or other social media, to get your daily does of inspiration, then going off on tangents so you get nothing done.
  • Foster positive emotions on a daily basis.
  • Activate a more positive mindset, daily.
  • Encourage new and better habits, so you can live the life of your dreams.

Now it’s over to you. I can take a duck to water, but can’t make it swim. Don’t let the opportunity of a lifetime pass you by, get this premium E-Journal now, so you can journal your way to success and happiness.

This premium E-Journal will change your life from ordinary to extraordinary. And so your MindSelf success story begins on the first page with an attitude of gratitude. Shop now, gain clarity and control over your life and feel so much better as a result. Your journal is waiting for you, so you can change your life. Shop now.

40 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you have tried the journal for 31 out of the 40 days, and if for any reason you’re not entirely satisfied, just email me with photographic or video evidence that you’ve tried using it, and the subject line Self-Help Journal Money Back and I will refund you in full at the price you paid. 

So you have got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Get this 25 dollar deal now.


What else will I need besides this journal?

You will need a printer with a good supply of ink and paper as this is a 549 page journal (Including 70 extra pages) and an A4 lever arch file to put it in, with a hole punch. (But you can buy those later, just don’t miss out on this earlybird price!) You will need to take daily action and do everything on every page, for each day, in order to instil new and positive habits and get rid of the old thinking for life. 

Are there any upsells with this product?

No. This is all you need to change your mind and change your life!

Think It’s Impossible For An Indie Author To Get Into Waterstones? Asexual Perspectives book is available to buy in Waterstones – A Quirky Books Dream Come True

Get Asexual Perspectives here

In 2010, when I started this blog, I knew one day I wanted Quirky Books to be my own publishing company, and in 2017, I achieved that dream, when I became a registered publisher is the UK under the name of Quirky Books.

In that same year, 2017, I published my first ever paperback book on Amazon; Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories, Love, Life and Sex, ACElebration of Diversity. And now I have this book available to buy from major books stores, including Waterstones, here

If you are a writer who struggles to get into major bookstores with your Indie book, then you know what a huge achievement this it. If you do a Google you will see extensive research for how to ‘try’ to get your books into major bookstores. For me, I did a ton of research of what to do to reach the maximum amount of readers and bookstores, before I even read those blog posts, and before I registered as a publisher in my own right. I wanted to set myself up for success from the start. That’s why a 35 year old publishing house said I ‘successfully’ published this book, and they owned up to being unlikely to meet my sales expectations, when they wanted to have the book for their own company, remove half of the stories in it, give them all my reviews, and said I would have to ask for their permission to quote from my own book! No thank you! That’s what I said. They told me my Asexual guide To Sex – the book I am currently working hard to finish, would sell, but they weren’t prepared to take it on because it’s too risky for them, as it’s uncensored, and basically it doesn’t just paint a pretty picture of sex. But tells the good, bad, and fugly (fuck ugly) truth about sex, that everyone wants to know but is afraid to ask. They want me to propose my next 2 asexual books to them, written in their style! Well I was considering it as my dream years ago, was to be a published Author by a major publishing house, but at 10%-12% net sales, when I can make more myself and have the freedom of not censoring my books and of growing my own publishing company and brand name, it seems like an unwise choice to now do that.

My vision for Quirky Books is to continue to write high quality, predominantly non-fiction books, that change people’s lives. And to be raw, real, fresh, uncensored – Quirky – different! If I have the opportunity to write other books – such as kids books – I have already written one of these and finished it years ago, and it’s something I was to do, then I will. I haven’t published it yet as I need to pay for an illustrator and I am not well known in the kid’s market. But I will likely test the popularity of this book out as an audio book later this year. As it’s a book that rhymes, for 3-5 years old, it will sound great as an audio book, and I already have a single image for the front cover from years ago. Whoop! Whoop!

I now have people coming to me asking me how I got my book into major book stores. And contemplating shall I tell them all my secrets or not! Maybe some, all! Or maybe I will write a book about it! After all, the proof is in the pudding! If this is something you would be interesting to learn more about and you want a step-by-step guide on how to do this – let me know in the comments below and if there is enough demand for it, I might write a book about how you can do this too.

I’m so proud this book is now available to buy from Waterstones. Especially as it’s very difficult for Indie Authors to get in this store. If you read their section about Indie Authors, you will know they only take on a small percentage of Indie Author’s published work. It’s a great achievement for me personally, as a Writer, Author and Publisher, and for asexuality, as it’s a minority sexual orientation that is still barely unheard of, and deeply misunderstood.

Buy a copy of this book now to discover the high quality your book has to be in order for it to be accepted at major bookstores, and be ready for an extremely fascinating insight into the world of sex as you haven’t see it before

You can of course by this book on Amazon too here:



(If you live UK go here) 💜

As always, stay Quirky, write soon, and if nothing else, I hope this post has inspired you to achieve your dreams, even if it does take 7-10 years later to do it, never, ever, give up on our dreams.

Attention Writers, Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Redundant Workers, Side Hustlers! Do You Struggle To Make Money Make Cash? Want To Save Yourself Time, Money, Heartache And Pain?

Do you feel like you are bashing your head against a brick wall? Are you fed up with going after the next shiny object with little to no results, and you don’t know where to go next? Do you feel frustrated and like a failure? Do you want to know the REAL truth behind the entrepreneur life? Rather than the ‘freedom’ laptop Lamborghini lifestyle it’s portrayed to be? Do you want to learn from someone’s epic failures and small successes over the last 8 years and counting, to save yourself time, money, heartache and pain? If so, this post is for you…

But first, I want to share with you my very personal, emotional, and transformational entrepreneur journey – The Journey That Saved My Life, from my new Make Money Make Cash channel. Watch the video below NOW! (It’s subtitled if you can’t play the words and music.) And don’t forget to subscribe to my new Make Money Make Cash channel, to change your own life, by saving yourself time, money, heartache and pain.

The Journey That Saved My Life!

They say if you could pinpoint a single moment in time, when your life completely changed, what would that moment be?

For me, this was, that moment. And it occurred on October 5th 2012.

In fact, 2012, was the year that completely changed my life, for the better forever.

See this was me before, you can see it in my eyes can’t you? The pain, the sorrow, the worn and tired truth!

The fact was, I was depressed for years. I was suicidal at times. I didn’t see a point to life. And I definitely didn’t want to be in it.

I prayed to God with tears pouring down my cheeks, to just let it all end. To take me. To let me die. I begged him, time after time, with tears rolling down my face. I didn’t understand why he was torturing me being in this life. I didn’t see a point to this continuous suffering, the point of me being here. I honestly couldn’t see why I was here. I didn’t like my life. I didn’t like myself.

And when I finally did see that I was born to write, I had no direction with that writing. 

And still I had times of suicidal thoughts… I used to look at a train track and think about death and dying. I used to look at a railway bridge, and think, about… well, you know…

No one now, would recognise me, how I was back then. But this is my truth, that no one’s really known about me. I was in a really bad way. I was in such a dark, deep, dark place. With no way out. It was like a hole swallowing me.

And as I look back and think about that time now. I’m welling up with tears once again. As I remember, going back into that body of me. And I remember how I felt and the loneliness and the pain, and that no one understood me. No one understood me, I was all alone, I was bullied at school. And I was made to feel, in life that I didn’t belong. That I was an alien here. And what was I doing here? What was my purpose? Why was I born? What was the point of me even being born? And you can feel it can’t you, in my voice? The sadness, the pain.

Look at me now and I’m a completely different person. And I want to tell you how that came to be…

It was on that day, on October 5th2012, that I began not just my entrepreneurial journey but my self-love journey. I finally saw all the skills, all the talents, all the abilities that I had gained over the years to date. And I realised that no longer was I helpless and hopeless in life with no direction, I actually had skills to offer the world. And it’s from that moment on, that I went to business seminar after business seminar, learning as much as I could about business, about finances, about customers, about customer acquisition, about email lists, about internet marketing, about email marketing, social media marketing. You name it, I learnt it. Time and time again. Over and Over. Different seminars, different angles. Different ways of thinking, of being, and doing.

In the course of my personal and professional entrepreneur journey I became such a stronger person. More informed. And I became resilient to knockbacks. To facing my fears. I faced my fears and pushed through them head on. Something I hadn’t been able to do before.

I got up in the middle of the night and worked hours and hours. I gave up television. And I began to learn how to do website design. I learnt the skills of T-Shirt designing. Something I never thought I would be able to do in my entire life. Every type of business that I was potentially interested in. I looked in drop shipping. I looked into Internet marketing. I looked into coaching and mentoring. I looked into making money through EBay and Facebook Marketplace. I looked through building a website and hoping customers would just turn up, which yes, of course they don’t. And yes, I just went from seminar to seminar, business show to business show. I got public speaking training, coaching training. You name it, I’ve done it. 

And then I realised, it wasn’t actually doing the business as such, that made me happy, it was the fact that I had become a much more happier, stronger, resilient person, in the process of my entrepreneurial journey. Make Money Make Cash, is for me, is the process of becoming happy and happier within myself. Because I’m stronger. I’m more powerful and fearless than I’ve ever been in my life. I respect myself. I love myself. I value myself, more than ever. And I help a ton of people in the process. I learnt how to change peoples’ lives through the written word. Now I have my own publishing imprint, Quirky Books. It took me 7 years to get that publishing imprint. I write books that change peoples’ lives. Do I make a shed load of money at it? No. But am I happy? Yes. Do I want to live? Absolutely. And every day I get out of bed and look forward to writing, blogging, vlogging, social media marketing. And nothing, nothing, feels better, than when I get a message in my inbox saying, I was broken, I felt suicidal, but now because of your book, I want to live, and I know that I’m okay.

So if you want to change your life, don’t even hesitate, click on that button now, subscribe to this channel for free. Learn how to make money, make cash. But more importantly, learn how to be happy with the process of entrepreneurship, regardless of how much money you make. Learn to change your life, and learn how to impact the world and change others’.

So join me on this Make Money Make Cash channel, let’s put the LAW Of ACTION, back in ATTRACTION. So hit the button now, change your life, and change others’ too. Subscribe now. Hit that great big bell icon. And I look forward to seeing you on the next video of Make Money Make Cash. See you soon… Subscribe NOW!

Subscribe To Make Money Make Cash YouTube Channel, to save yourself time, money, heartache and pain.

Learn from my small successes and epic failures at making money and making cash online for the last 8 years and counting. Save yourself time, money, heartache and pain.

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MAKE MONEY MAKE CASH – putting the law of ACTION 💪 back in ATTRACTION. #workfromhome #makemoneyonline

Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, so do it for the journey – because it’s the journey that truly changes your life! 😍 #forthejourney

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And as always, write soon,

Sandra xx