What is the number one most powerful word to increase productivity? Productivity Hack!

In the face-paced world we live in, it can be all too easy to get caught up in social media scrolling and other people’s conversations and lives, so much so, that we can end up becoming a slave to other people’s agendas, which is never a good thing.

In the video above, which is from my www.youtube.com/quirkybooksTV channel, I explain to you in a recorded live stream, what the number one most powerful word is to increase your productivity, so you know how to increase your productivity super quickly. Watch the video now and don’t forget to subscribe for life hacks, on how to live your best life, be your best self, and live your purpose! As it was recorded live the sound may not be the best, but the beauty of a live stream is anyone can come on the stream at any point and ask me any questions they like in chat, on how to live your best life, be your best self, and live your purpose. If you click that bell icon after you have subscribed, you will get notified of every time I post a new video or go live, so you can chat to me in real time. If you are already subscribed, go to my channel and make sure the bell icon is pressed.

As always, stay quirky and write soon

Sandra xx

What is a success jar and why do you need one? #lifehack #liveyourbestlife

You’ve mostly likely heard that to stay motivated and productive, it’s super important to write your successes down in a diary or journal. If you have never heard of this before it’s a great technique for building momentum, positivity, and productivity. An alternative to this is a Success Jar, this is a jar which you fill with your successes instead of putting then into a diary – or you can do both if you so wish.

Not everyone has the time to sit down and write in a diary or journal, and not everyone wants to. But writing on a notelet or tearing off a piece of paper, and writing your successes on it, then sticking it in your Success Jar, is a powerful way of acknowledging your successes and make you feel great – without formally sitting down to write, and without stressing yourself out over taking time out of your day when it is so mega busy.

In this video – which I recorded as a Live Stream so the sound is not perfect in it, I explain in detail what a Success Jar is, and show you two of mine from last year.

I hope this helps you? I would love to know your thoughts about it? Please comment below!

Are you use anything similar, and if so, how is that working out for you? Please let me know in the comments section below, as I love to read you!

Until next time, embrace your quirky and write soon

Sandra xx

When Doing What the “Experts” Tell You To Do, Makes You Sick, Do This!

For the last 4 months of last year I was going through very difficult times with what seemed like constantly being sick, I felt worn out, burnt out, overwhelmed, and like my mind needed a rest! This year I am super pumped! More productive than ever before, with tons of goals I am working through one-by-one. This is the year I will, and am, achieve many dreams, because I am doing things my way, not how society and every other ‘expert’ keeps telling me I should do them. For example, when they say to get up at 4am and do work, I am working through the night and going to bed at that time or later! When they say to put everything on a planner in advance and mark everything on your calendar so it’s full, instead I am putting stuff on my calendar such as appointments, interviews, time with my family and friends, and things I have scheduled in advance, but the rest I am setting goals every day in my diary and ticking them off as I go along and this has catapulted my productivity levels to a whole new level entirely. I feel really motivated when I see myself getting my tasks for that day done. Last year, when I put everything on my calendar before, and planned way in advance, I was getting left behind with my own schedule, and two weeks later I felt deflated, unproductive, down about myself and my life, and last year I had no clear direction with goals, I just kept doing the same thing. This year I have clearly defined goals and am hell-bent on achieving all of them to the best of my ability as soon as I can. I am excited about what is coming up and the amount of new opportunities and challenges coming my way, so if you are going through hell or shit right now, just remember, this …

And don’t listen to the experts, do this instead!

Until next time, keep embracing your quirky, keep being you, and write soon.

Lots of love

Sandra xx

Happy Easter – Do you think it’s good to put all of your eggs in one basket or not?

Happy Easter
To put all your eggs in one basket or not? What do you think?

There is so much useful and helpful advice out there about not putting all your in one basket, but to get anything done it often requires focus on one thing at a time, (time blocking), to maximise productivity. So for that moment in time, you could say that it is good to put all of your eggs in that one basket. What do you think, would you agree or disagree, and why?

Have a Quirky Easter and if you don’t celebrate it, well, you could use it as another reason to have some more chocolate!! Yummy! Or a day out with the family – or just to say “Happy Easter” to those who do!

I have two wheat free, gluten free, yeast free, and every other allergen to me free, Easter Eggs! Thanks to my mum. (Love you mum xx)

Sandra Bellamy Easter Eggs
My Easter Eggs! Yummy!

How are you going to be celebrating?

Happy Quirky Easter!

Lots and love and write soon

Sandra xx







