A great Advent in my life

Hi everyone

Apologies for the pun on the word event but I just had to share my excitement with you.

For the first time since I was 19 years of age, I have an advent calendar and I am over the moon.

I have multiple allergies, including sugar and wheat.

I was on my way to get my guineapigs some hay and woodshavings, when I noticed a billboard poster outside the local health shop. It read that they had Sugar, wheat and gluten free advent calendars. I went into the shop, read the list of ingredients and was thrilled that it was a Plamil chocolate calendar. I have eaten Plamil sugar free chocolate before and it’s delicious.
I bought it and have been floating on air ever since.

An early Happy Christmas to you.

Thanks for all of your well wishes for Daisy, thankfully she is finally on the mend.

Write soon

24 thoughts on “A great Advent in my life

      1. It’s not going to be the same for me this year. But as long as my kids have a good Christmas, that’s all that matters to me


      2. Al, I want to see a Santa smile from you. I want your eyes to light up and you to be a joyous kid once more. I know you have it in you. Think of Doctor Who sweeping into your home with his Police Box lit up like a Christmas Tree and Dalek pudding for desert. ( Well – maybe skip desert!)


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