New Feature – Wednesday Weekly Writing Prompts – To spark ideas for stories

Hi everyone


As a Writer, I love coming up with my own ideas for stories. I am blessed to have a mind that is constantly thinking of new ideas. I realise how useful it can be, to read, see, hear, or do anything, that sparks the creative switch to ignite the brain into story mode.

From now on, I will be attempting to write a weekly Wednesday Writing Prompts post, to spark ideas for stories. There will be no genre restriction. I will try to keep them to around 4 per week and away you go.

What do you think of this? Good idea?

To start the ball rolling. Here are this week’s prompts:

1) She licked the chocolate ice-cream off his nipple. That was tasty ice-cream, she thought to herself.

2) He switched the tap on and blood gushed out of it. What was he going to do now?

3) I had never seen an elephant sat on a roof before. It looked quite comical.

4) He splattered her with ink. She wasn’t impressed.

Write soon
