What’s his story? – Let your imagination run riot

Hi everyone

Most weeks when I walk to work to go to my day job, I see this man making dogs out of sand.


I think they are beautiful and he is very talented.

As a writer, I often think, what’s his story? Why is he making dogs out of sand?

Could it be because…….

He is grieving for pets that have passed away.

He has a love of dogs.

He is obsessed with dogs.

He was not allowed any dogs as a child.

He can’t have any dogs now.

He has been reincarnated but was once a dog with his own family of dogs.

He believes the sand makes the dogs come to life and they talk to him.

He finds it a form of therapy away from the problems at home.

He is preparing for a competition to create the best dog sand statues, in the quickest amount of time and be in the Guinness book of World Records if he wins.

Dogs are the only thing he can make out of sand.

He has an OCD.

Like the beginnings of any good story, once we have a creative think about any random situation in life that may lead to a tale that needs telling, we begin to question the answer to our first question.

For example:

Why did his dog die? Was it giving birth? – Hence the small pup.

Why was he reincarnated in the form of a man?

What events led him to the competiton?

Why does he have an OCD?

A good writer always asks lots of questions and is not afraid to let their inner creative mind, think for itself.

Allow your imagination to run riot and enjoy every minute of taking a random event or situation in life and turning it into a literary masterpiece.

Write soon