How To Be Your Authentic Self Not What You’re Born Into Being

Are you being who you’re meant to be❓

Or are you being who you are conditioned to be❓ What do you think 🤔

I think it’s so important for people to lean into who they truly are, by listening to your own inner voice, rather than other’s which is trying to drown out your own.

“Not everyone is going to like you and get on with you and vice versa, and that’s okay, but remaining true to who you are, in spite of what others say, think and do – about you, is important. You can’t be someone you’re not just to please other people. You need to live your life for you. It’s the only way to true success and happiness, and it will take courage and strength to keep you as you, in a world where people are trying to make you conform to their way of being. Stand your ground and keep being you. You’re beautiful just as you are, and not everyone is going to see that – but it’s usually because they can’t be their true authentic self, like you can, and that’s why you bother them the most.”

This is Life Lesson 56, from my Diary Confessions Of A Hyper-romantic Asexual – 78 life lessons to ACE your life – book, which was a bestseller again this week, so get your copy and the other 77 life lessons you need to know, from Amazon here

I was recently interviewed by Jennifer Regular on her Awaken And Ascend podcast. This video clip is from our episode together, which is about authenticity and was the central message I wanted her audience to takeaway, that sometimes we are born into being something – in my case heterosexual, when in reality we’re meant to be something else – in my case I was really asexual and didn’t know it – see what I mean by watching the clip here  or by watching the video below, underneath this text 👇

In the full episode interview I share my asexual life journey and how to Be Who You’re Meant To Be Not What You’re Born Into Being.

I talk about:

• An asexual life

• Desiring romance without sex

• The asexual spectrum

• Physical attraction vs. arousal 

• Asexual vs. celibate

• Awakening to being different

• Advice from a therapist

• Passionate kissing when you’re asexual

• My asexuality mission

• Discovering yourself and your passion • Living your authentic life

• Building community

• Overcoming societal conditioning 

• Standing in your convictions

• Being congruent with what you think and feel

I would love you to listen to my whole episode by clicking through this link or by watching the video below.

And while you’re watching this video🤞 I would like to invite you to ask yourself an important question for you to think about… Are you living who you are meant to be? Or are you living who you are conditioned into being?

Jennifer Regular, the host of Awaken And Ascend podcast, selects show guests who are transformational specialists that can help others step into a fuller expression of who they are, by sharing their insights, knowledge and wisdom from their own life experience. Her website is here

I feel so honoured to have been chosen as one of those transformational specialists who is living on purpose with helping asexuals, writing bestselling books, and always striving to fulfil my asexual life mission of – getting asexuality recognised as an sexual orientation in its own right so no asexual has to live in fear of ridicule ever again.

As always, stay your authentic quirky self and write soon,

Sandra xx

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