Novelist Ann Hood: Why It’s Important To Write And Where To Get Ideas!

This TedX Talk is by Novelist Ann Hood about why it’s important to write and where she got ideas from to write.

From the TedX channel

“Ann Hood gives a passionate and personal talk about her life, how and why she began to write, along with events in her life that shaped the stories that were eventually turned into the novels she published. Ann Hood is the bestselling author of the novels The Knitting Circle, The Obituary Writer, An Italian Wife and the memoir Comfort: A Journey Through Grief, which was named one of the top ten non fiction books of 2008 by Entertainment Weekly and was a NYT Editor’s Choice. She’s won two Pushcart Prizes, Best American Food Writing Awards, and Best American Spiritual and Travel Writing Awards.”

What do you think? Can you relate?

Until next time, stay quirky and write soon

Sandra xx