New Asexualise Dating Group Without Sex – Asexual Awareness Week


This is Asexual Awareness Week and as you may or may not know, I am asexual – I am a heteroromantic, hyper-romantic, Grey A, Asexual (younger) Cougar, who does not like sex, just kissing. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction towards a specific person – so I have never looked at a guy and thought I want sex with him! But in my case, I have thought I would like to snog his face off! Some asexuals are also aromantics and do not experience romantic attraction either – I do!

In plain terms I am only attracted to guys romantically who are younger than me, and I tend to only get attracted to younger foreign guys and would like to have a romantic relationship with an asexual guy, without sex, marriage or kids, as a living apart together forever relationship. I like kissing a lot. I have not found a suitable asexual guy. I am on two asexual dating sites and recently created a new group on Facebook that is strictly for Asexuals only, who want to date other asexuals and have a relationship without sex. If you are asexual and happen to be reading this – here is the link

If you want to know more about asexuality – check out my website for asexuals and join my Facebook page  – Find me on Twitter  and check out my YouTube channel

4 thoughts on “New Asexualise Dating Group Without Sex – Asexual Awareness Week

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