I won the Beautiful Blogger Award

Hi Everyone.

I am really pleased to have received the Beautiful Blogger Award.  My first ever blogging award, it feels fantastic.

Dorothy Stacy from dorothystacy.wordpress.com  awarded it to me, she is a fellow writer and has some interesting posts that you may want to check out.

Apparently I should be passing this award on to 7 other people and I have been taking my time to contemplate who to give it to but as I don’t have a huge list I feel I have fallen short at concluding only 5.  I do however believe that these 5 are of good quality and are of people who I follow that take the time out of their day to blog regularly, so they very much deserve the award.  First I will tell you a few facts about myself that you may or may not know.

  1. I have 4 guineapigs that live with me in 2 indoor cages, they are called Peaches, Snuggles, Daisy and Cinnamon.
  2. I have been a presenter on Hospital Radio since 1995 and I currently present a Dreamboat show on Hospital Radio Exeter, on a Monday evening, 10pm-11pm.
  3. I have been made redundant twice during my 15 year career in retail and each time I have managed to successfully work my way back up the career ladder and I have got another blog called beatredundancyblues.wordpress.com  to help others who have been made redundant, to get back into work.
  4. I have my own website called quirkybooks.net  that is currently about me and my writing but I am intending in the future to change it into an e-book shop to sell my own work.
  5. I now have an illustrator for my debut children’s picture book and hopefully it should be released as an e-book before the end of the year.
  6. I prefer to use a Mac rather than a PC, as I find it better to work with the large amount of applications I use, although I can also work on a PC.
  7. I am a student at present and I am currently studying an IAG Level 4 Diploma. (Information, Advice and Guidance.)  I got my 10 modules on the 4th of May and all work has to be completed by the 25th of June.
  8. I am going to the Coaching Academy in London on the 9th and 10th of June to get a certificate in Personal Coaching.
  9. I am currently studying Adobe Indesign at Exeter College.
  10. I am doing a self-employment course with Womens Development Unlimited to help me start up my own business.
  11. By the time I have finished all of my courses I will be launching a new website called beatredundancyblues.com that I am currently developing and I will be able to be a Redundancy and Unemployment Specialist Support Advisor, Coach and Trainer and will be able to A.C.T for you.

If you want to know anything else, just ask.

In the meantime, I have the very important honour of giving the Beautiful Blogger Award to 5 other lucky bloggers, so here goes:

  1. margekatherine.com
  2. hurtlingtowards60.wordpress.com
  3. talinorfali.wordpress.com
  4. ilovegetttingupinthemorning.wordpress.com
  5. lesleycarter.wordpress.com

If you have any recommendations as to which other 2 blogs I could give the award to, then please let me know.

Write soon.


9 thoughts on “I won the Beautiful Blogger Award

    1. Hi Guinees

      How are you wheeking?

      I love guinees. Your pics are beautiful.

      Sorry it’s taken me a while to wheek back to you. It’s been an intense time finishing off my IAG Diploma coursework. (Information, Advice and Guidance.) Now I can give you more of the attention you deserve.

      I have got some pics of my guinees, I will try to see if I can put any on my blog site, although the file size may be too big.

      Wheek soon.


      1. Whee are wheekingly happy. Glad to hear you finished all your boring hooman coursework so you can talk piggy!

        Whee are pleased you think whee are bootiful though flattery like this will make our heads so big whee cannot get out of the pigloo!

        Looking forward to seeing your piggies if you can get your pesky computermabob to let you put the pigtures up!

        Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy


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